Glasgow Times

Glasgow fleet had vital role to play in World War Two


WITH their distinctiv­e red, white and black coloured funnels, the ships of the Burns & Laird fleet were once a familiar sight at Glasgow’s Broomielaw.

The “Derry” ( or “Scotch”) boats, such as the Lairds Loch, operated between Glasgow to Derry until 1966, regularly transporti­ng passengers, cattle and cargo.

The travel experience was not always first class, as passengers were sometimes overcrowde­d on uncomforta­ble wooden seating amongst smells lingering from the cattle previously unloaded at Merklands.

However, the firm’s services were important for trade and tourism, and played a significan­t role in migration between Scotland and Ireland. The fleet also covered services to other ports including Belfast and the company’s offices were based on Robertson Street.

Burns & Laird was establishe­d in 1922, following a merger of two companies, G & J Burns and Laird Line. Both companies were pioneers of passenger and trade routes between Scotland and Ireland, with roots in early steam travel.

Glasgow produce merchants George and James Burns branched out into shipping when they launched a passenger steamer service between Glasgow and Ayr around 1821.

Services to Liverpool and Belfast soon followed. They were also involved with the Cunard Steam Ship Company which won a profitable contract to carry the transatlan­tic mail.

From 1822, Alexander Laird worked as an agent for several shipping lines including the St George Steam Packet Company which provided services to ports on the west coast of England and Ireland.

His son, also Alexander, set up Alexander A Laird & Co in 1873, which later became Laird Line Ltd.

Perhaps more overlooked is the role the Burns & Laird fleet played in the Second World War. After being requisitio­ned by the navy, the motor liners Royal Ulsterman and Royal Scotsman were active in most of the Allied seaborne landings. For one campaign in 1944, the Royal Scotsman was used as the headquarte­rs ship carrying Winston Churchill and his commanders on board. Another company vessel, the Lairds Isle, was among the first vessels to arrive at the Normandy beaches during D Day.

Despite providing Scottish and Irish travel for almost 150 years, the firm struggled in the 1960s, unable to adapt and compete with other services which catered for increasing car travel, and eventually was taken over by P& O in 1971.

However, the memory of the firm and its fleet is still preserved in a collection that we’re very fortunate to hold here at Glasgow City Archives that includes ships logs recording voyages and crew, photograph­s, company minutes and a wealth of eye- catching advertisin­g material.


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