Glasgow Times

THE SECRET GLASGOW TAXI DRIVER Your drivers will carry on cleaning as milestone hit



WE all love a major milestone. I mean, who doesn’t? Be it 21st birthdays, 50th anniversar­ies, 100 days aff the drink, the third time in a row I’ve bagged an airport hire from that particular rank… Fun facts and figures can make the mundane seem interestin­g, and breathe new life into, em, well, life!

Given the 2020 we have all had, these wee nuggets have enjoyed even more attention than ever.

This year was going to have plenty of landmarks anyway – the 75th Glasgow Taxi Outing to Troon, the first ever European Championsh­ip Finals games hosted in Scotland, the only double digit year ( 2020) most of us are likely to live through! ( Which begs the question – what the hell will life be like in 2121?).

One landmark nobody could have expected to be acknowledg­ed this year arrived over the weekend.

That’s when the good people of Glasgow Taxis proclaimed on their Facebook page: “Today marks our 4000th ozone clean.”

Yep, that’s a biggie!

But what exactly does it mean, I hear you ask? Well, it means that since the start of the pandemic, and upon Glasgow Taxis investing in a state- of- theart ozone machine which wipes out all bad bacteria from the inside of cabs, there have been some 4000 such cleans undertaken in our vehicles.

That’s a whole load of cleaning!

What started in May as a new Separated, Sanitised, Safe public awareness campaign will roll into its sixth month next week, and it’s a requiremen­t that won’t be going away any time soon.

Drivers like me who already took great pride in the appearance of their taxis have really stepped it up over the summer and autumn to ensure Glaswegian­s can be confident that a taxi is the safest public transport option for them. The fact we have a partition between driver and passenger/ s in all cabs is critical too, of course.

There’s an element of Groundhog Day to it all but it’s one of the few things within our control which we can do to help our customers, our trade and ourselves.

The machine clean is on top of all the manual cleaning before and after every journey and the feedback we get from customers is telling – peace of mind being the recurring sentiment.

So we’ll carry on cleaning, and see you when we reach the big 5000!

Stay safe.

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