Glasgow Times

Police crack down on drink and drug driving


“DON’T risk it” – that’s the message to drivers in Glasgow as traffic cops crackdown on drink and drug driving over the festive season.

In the run- up to Christmas and New Year, road policing officers will be carrying out random checks on vehicles travelling in the city.

While ensuring they are ready for the winter weather, drink and drug testing may also be carried out on drivers if police believe there is reason to do so.

As well as a breath test, police can test saliva for the presence of drugs at the roadside.

As part of Police Scotland’s annual festive campaign, drivers are being reminded of the dangers of getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol and drugs.

Chief Inspector Lorraine Napier, West Area Commander, Road Policing Division, said: “Don’t risk it.

“Plan ahead if you’re going out for drinks over Christmas and make sure you’ve got a way of getting home.

“Don’t be tempted just to jump in the car and drive and don’t be tempted to jump in the car if you know the driver has taken a drink.

“Persuade them not to drive and if you can’t do that contact the police and let us deal with it.

“Even the morning after, just be mindful you could still be over the limit, so if you’re questionin­g yourself as to ‘ is it safe to drive’ our advice is ‘ Just Don’t’.”

She added: “The penalty for drink and drug driving is losing your licence, a fine, and it could result in you losing your job.

“If you are under the influence your reaction times and your perception is seriously inhibited so the chances of you becoming involved in a road traffic collision are increased as well, so our key message is ‘ don’t risk it, please don’t do it’.”

 ?? ?? Chief Inspector Lorraine Napier issued a warning to motorists
Chief Inspector Lorraine Napier issued a warning to motorists

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