Gloucestershire Echo

Vital volunteers help strengthen our communitie­s


RECENTLY, I was fortunate enough to attend a graduation ceremony. One of the honorary awardees said something which has stayed with me.

He spoke of the bluster, self seeking and ‘me first’ attitude that seemed to be prevalent in so much of our national life today and contrasted that with the modesty of recent heroes such the cave divers who saved the boys in Thailand.

They were volunteers, who got involved not for reward, but, simply, to help.

That set me thinking about the many voluntary groups with which the council works and supports financiall­y and in other ways.

Here, in Cheltenham, there are many hundreds of our fellow Cheltonian­s who give their time in the service of others. They seek no reward, simply knowing that they can help, is enough.

As organisati­on, we look too at how those groups can support each other, can come together to bid for additional funds or simply to swap expertise and experience. It works too and in ways we might never have envisaged.

Each of our major cultural bodies: the Everyman, Cheltenham Trust, Playhouse, Festivals, Lido, Council, likewise put in place opportunit­ies for those who would otherwise not take part in their activities.

Young people, old people, those from disadvanta­ged background­s, mums and children, those new to the town, all these and more can take advantage of what is on offer.

It combats the loneliness of isolation, the destructiv­e nature of antisocial behaviour, fear and crime.

It builds communitie­s, giving them strength through their residents. It builds a skill base, that brings in new opportunit­ies for employment. It builds pride in success.

For those who want to be involved, who want to offer their time, the opportunit­y is there. Many local groups look for volunteers, for those who are prepared to give their time making tea, chatting to someone, helping a young mum, teaching music, singing, helping to build a play area, delivering local informatio­n, reading to youngsters or just encouragin­g someone to have a try at something they have never done before. If you want to have a go, to get involved, or just want to know more, then please contact GRCC or the council and we can put you in touch. Flo Clucas Cheltenham Borough Council cabinet member for healthy lifestyles

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