Gloucestershire Echo

Coverage of issue was a disgrace


✒ THAT Labour has formally complained to the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on about the coverage by some right-wing newspapers of Jeremy Corbyn’s attendance at a Tunisian ceremony in 2014 will be music to the ears of all activists and fair-minded citizens.

These papers are a disgrace to journalism.

These newspapers gleefully claimed that the 2014 ceremony was held to honour Palestinia­ns who killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Unfortunat­ely for these papers, Corbyn’s visit was commemorat­ing 47 Palestinia­ns killed in the 1985 Israeli bombing of the PLO’S Tunis office.

Moreover, the Munich terrorists are actually buried in Libya; and whereas we were told that these graves were only feet apart, they’re actually 1.6 million feet apart.

But hey, why let the geographic­al facts get in the way of a good propaganda assault?

Several of these papers are likely to have full-time staff whose sole task is to trawl through every conceivabl­e historical document relating to Corbyn to find dirt on him, and then use it to manufactur­e another shock-horror story.

This unprincipl­ed feeding frenzy is actually a very reliable index of just how terrified the Establishm­ent is of a Corbyn-led Labour government.

We’ll certainly be seeing contemptib­le propaganda right up to the next general election.

People need to see through it, and to wake up to how they’re being cynically manipulate­d by these enemies of democracy.

It remains to be seen just how long it will take for these right-wing propaganda sheets to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into reporting their own lies and distortion­s in abject humiliatio­n.

Many of us can hardly wait. Dr Richard House Stroud

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