Gloucestershire Echo

Give this change to roads a chance before criticism


✒ ASK most people if they would like to help keep our high street alive, it’s my belief that the majority would answer ‘yes, of course.’

It’s a very topical subject, the death of town centres, do we really want that here?

Therefore, I am writing to ask if we could keep an open mind regarding the current trial at Boots Corner and spend a little more time on experienci­ng the current rerouting of traffic before jumping in to criticise it.

The council spent a lot of time developing this transport plan and studied the effects of altering traffic flow.

This plan has support from a broad range of groups including town centre businesses.

If there is to be sustained footfall in the bottom of the High Street, especially with the advent of John Lewis, then pedestrian­isation will encourage more people to walk that way, and spend more money in shops.

I do know something about footfall, my dad had a confection­er’s and tobacconis­t shop bang next to a railway station, without the commuters it would not have been a viable business.

Not only will businesses benefit but the rest of us will enjoy health benefits – less pollution in a built-up area as well as a more pleasant place to shop.

The council is planning to install planting and seating (I would like to know when this will happen).

I think that will encourage people to see the whole vision, not just the rerouting of traffic. Barbara Clark Cheltenham

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