Gloucestershire Echo

NHS Test and Trace Your questions answered...


Q Do I have to tell the contact tracers who I’ve been in contact with? A Yes, you’ll be asked who you live and work with, and who you’ve been in contact with during leisure activities.

Q Will it be anonymous, or will people know you’re the one who infected them? A The NHS Test and Trace service will only tell people they’ve been in contact with someone who’s tested positive for the virus, but won’t share your name and details. All informatio­n is held in strict confidence.

Q How will you make sure people are isolating while waiting for their test results? A Most people have been complying with social distancing, so the Government is confident the public will play their part in reducing the spread of the virus. But if they find that people are not isolating, they could issue fines.

Q If I’ve had a positive test and no one has called me within 24 hours, who do I call? A The service aims to make contact via email, text or landline within 24 hours of receiving the test result, so stay at home for seven days and make sure your household isolates for 14.

Q If I’m told to self-isolate, can I get a test? A Only order a test if you develop symptoms,

and if not continue to isolate for 14 days.

Q Can I go out again if I get a negative test result? A No – you must complete your two-week isolation.

Q Will antibody test results be part of the system? A The WHO doesn’t have evidence to suggest you’re immune if you’ve had the virus, so even if you’ve had an antibody test you’d still need to isolate for 14 days if contacted.

Q What about people I might have come into contact with on public transport? A Wear a mask on public transport and maintain a two-metre distance. “Contact” is defined as spending more than 15 minutes within two metres of someone with Covid-19.

Q How will contact tracing work if I have no phone or computer? A You do need an email address and phone number to get a test, but if you don’t have one you can use a trusted friend or family member’s.

Q Will I be asked to isolate more than once? A You might do if you’ve been in recent close contact with someone who’s tested positive for the virus. The best way to avoid being asked to isolate is to follow social distancing rules.

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