Good Housekeeping (UK)

New ways to be in the DRIVING SEAT


buying new cars saw nine consecutiv­e months of declining sales. So, with the high cost of running, a vehicle, is it time to find an alternativ­e way to get around without owning a car? GH investigat­es… LEASING

nleeld alcclessl

a car is an increasing­ly popular option. Some alrelnolw Plerlsonla­llcolntlra­clt Pllanls wlhelre dlrilverls playl monthly for the vehicles, and then have the option thle olff olwln tlhe Expect to pay a deposit that’s around 10% of the car’s Blult belwalrel: delmlandl pluslhinlg the price of PCP up. RENTING

isl jolinlingl­alcalr cllubl: paly hlirela for minutes or days without paying for fuel, insurance or alndl alll rlunlthlei­rlowln tlo playl a few pounds a month for alndlanlyw­lhelre aln hloulr iln aldaly Oxford. If you can't be without your own vehicle, be ilt: Slnalpplca­lr tlo relntloult yloulr ulserls slo yloul can earn money – think Airbnb for transport! NAMED DRIVER Only occasional­ly need a vehicle? Then it might be bleclomlin­lg alnalmledl oln plarlenlts’l, flrielndl’s clar.l This can save thousands* in upkeep, although you may

playlinglf­olr fluell

the owner’s premium can bleclaulse thle isl

thle shared, but this is usually only if you’re experience­d. nlotl bleinlg ilnslureld dlrivlerlw­hlenlylou’lre CHEAPER TAXIS

The ease of getting around

olvelr 9l0%loflthle ils elxpelctle­dl to live in a city, where there are not only buses, railways, alndltralm­ls, blutlinlst­alntl trlanlspol­rtl lilkeluble­rlanld mytaxi. According to a global slurlveyl, olnelinl olrdleriln­gla

alternativ­e to ownership. To keep costs down, avoid peak wlhelnplri­lceslsulrg­le, alndl tlhel‘spllitlthl­e flarel’ felatulrel

 ??  ?? around without clar untias endundunte­m aut reperum fugit quam fugiatet
around without clar untias endundunte­m aut reperum fugit quam fugiatet

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