Good Housekeeping (UK)

‘I thought it was indigestio­n and an ambulance was a waste of money’


Married with five children, Dianne Tanner was 53 when she had a heart attack in 2017. She trains in health and social care and lives near Hythe, Kent.

‘Ihad niggling indigestio­n, like heartburn in pregnancy, and only called 111 to ask for advice to see if I could take another lansoprazo­le, a drug my GP had given me the day before [to reduce stomach acid]. A heart attack never crossed my mind. When they sent an ambulance I complained, “No wonder the NHS is in a state if they’re sending ambulances for heartburn.”

I didn’t mention an ache in my jaw because I thought it was due to a filling. An ECG didn’t show anything, but I have type 2 diabetes and, because my blood sugar had shot up, they took me to hospital with suspected sepsis. My pain level out of 10 was between 1.5 and 2. A second ECG showed I’d had a cardiac event. I asked, “Does that mean I’ve had a heart attack?” When the nurse said yes, I went to the waiting room to get my husband, so I could make sure I’d heard it right. I had two stents fitted in one artery and one in another that was partially blocked. I went home after four days and was back to work within 10.

As manager of a care service, I’d sometimes do 18-hour days and eat on the go. I took a new job working part time, cut processed food from my diet and dropped over a stone without trying. I look younger and have more energy. If it had been my children or my husband, I’d have called 999. I want women to know heart attacks can happen to them, too.’

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