Good Housekeeping (UK)

Meditate with kindness



Doing a loving-kindness meditation makes me feel instantly happier. I found instructio­ns online and I now do it regularly to lift my spirits. First, I find a comfortabl­e place to sit and turn on some calming music. With a straight back and my eyes closed, I imagine a beautiful flower and, in the middle of the flower, I see an image of myself. When I have this picture in my mind’s eye, I take a few moments to wish happiness, health and love to myself by repeating the mantra: ‘May I be well, may I be happy, may all things go well for me’. I then repeat the process imagining a loved one, and then again imagining a stranger (such as someone I walked past on the street), and I send loving-kindness their way. I felt silly the first few times, but the practice leaves me full of warmth and compassion, and I’m more understand­ing and loving towards others.

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