Good Housekeeping (UK)

Can’t calm down?

TRY Conscious breathwork


This can be a real shortcut to calm and it’s not just a sticking-plaster solution – practise regularly and there are long-term emotional gains.

WHY SO GOOD? The way you react when things get jumpy is down to which part of your brain is in charge: emotional or rational. ‘Our brains are hardwired to respond with emotions. This is why it’s so easy to get triggered by the slightest thing,’ says Melike Hussein, founder of Breathzone. ‘The good news is that we can control this evolutiona­ry mechanism using breathwork and mindfulnes­s.’

WHERE TO START? With small steps, recommends Melike. ‘Consistenc­y is key. Start simple and practise often. Slot them into your day, especially just before anything you find stressful.’ Try this clever blend of breathing and mindfulnes­s when needed: • Through the nose, take a slow and deep breath (try counting to five).

• Breathe out through the mouth with pursed lips (as if blowing out a candle). Repeat twice more or as needed.

• Now turn your focus to your body and any physical sensations. Where do you feel them? How do they feel?

• Continue to observe the sensation for a few more moments.

• Take a slow, deep inhale and let go with a relaxed exhale.

‘This exercise is all about allowing the rational brain to analyse the situation and respond (or not) accordingl­y,’ says Melike.

Melike Hussein is a certified transforma­tional conscious breathing coach;

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