Grazia (UK)

Unlock the happiness formula



with personal trainer and fitness influencer Sophie Everard

Tester Rose Beer, health & beauty director

What’s the drill? ‘Sophie alternated between a day of sport, such as wild swimming, climbing or boxing, and a day of strength training. Most of the sessions were outdoors as Sophie believes happiness comes from making exercise an adventure and connecting with nature. Research also shows that the colour green (like trees, grass and other plants) makes exercise feel easier, too. From circuit training in Fulham to swimming front and back crawl in the Hampstead Heath ponds, I also took up spinning and went climbing – my body was challenged and my mind felt fully engaged.’

Feel- good factor ‘Changing up my workouts and coming out of my comfort zone was a real revelation. It allowed me to completely switch off from work and drama with friends. My brain was solely concentrat­ing on my body for the first time and that definitely had a positive effect. Overall, I had more resilience; I was noticeably calmer and less anxious. I felt stronger and braver too – every session left me feeling epic!’

How to book Sessions cost £70 an hour, £350 for five, or £650 for 10. Sophie also leads retreats, with surfing, horse riding and trail running; madtoliveb­ 

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