Grazia (UK)



If the only physical exertion you’ve participat­ed in over the past few weeks is stretching towards a Quality Street tin or lifting a wine glass, then chances are you are now about to embark on a new exercise regime. But while we all know fitness is good for us (not only for its butt-lifting, tummy-toning qualities, but for what it does for our mood) it can feel a little, well, intimidati­ng. Not least of all when it comes to deciding what to wear. And yet this year it doesn’t need to be that way.

But where to start? ‘Comfort is key, so choose something that fits well,’ says Jane Gottschalk, founder of Perfect Moment sportwear, known for its graphic, statementm­aking designs. She also advises seeking out technical fabrics, ‘Our activewear fabrics have antibacter­ial qualities, alleviatin­g the inevitable “side effects” of a good workout’. Moisture-wicking fabrics, lightweigh­t trainers and a properly-fitting sports bra are essentials. According to Net-a-porter, visitors to their fit kit section increased 97% between December and January last year – showing the right kit is an investment we’re willing to make.

It’s important not to think of workoutwea­r as a lesser version of your main closet. ‘Confidence is important when embarking on a fitness regime, so find styles you love and feel great in,’ says Tatiana Korsakova, founder of stylish exercise line Vaara. ‘Look for styles that can double as pieces you’ll feel comfortabl­e wearing during other parts of your day’. Lululemon’s blush pink top or All Access’s Centre Stage leggings go the distance beyond the studio (‘If you only buy one thing make it these – they are the black leggings to invest in,’ advises Net-aPorter’s global buying director Elizabeth von der Goltz). Better for you than another pair of heels you don’t really need.

Above all, remember the golden rule: no kit looks as good as kit that’s actually used. You don’t want to be the January cliché with all the gear and no idea.

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