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I dream of writing my own novel – where do I begin?


Matt Witten, best-selling author of ‘The Necklace’

Early in the process, share your idea with a few trusted friends. Each time you say it out loud and get people’s feedback, you’ll start to refine your idea. Some of your friends may have perspectiv­es that make you see your idea in a whole new, deeper way – just make sure it’s something you want to spend a year or two of your life writing about.

That’s what I did before I began writing my latest novel. I told a buddy of mine that I was moved by a woman I read about in the newspaper who was holding a fundraiser so she could travel across the country to witness the execution of the man who had killed her daughter 20 years earlier. I was intrigued, but for my book I couldn’t think what the plot should be. My buddy said, ‘What if she comes to think that the guy who’s about to be executed might actually be innocent?’

With those simple words, I was launched on my writing journey. Had I not had coffee with him that day, I’m not sure I ever would have written the novel!

Once you’re excited about your idea, I would suggest joining a writers’ group. Do you have a couple of writer friends who could get together twice a month and read each other’s chapters? Or does your city have a profession­al writers’ organisati­on that welcomes newcomers? Maybe you’d like to take a writing class at a local centre for continuing education; that’s a great way to become part of a community of writers. Or try writing at your local coffee shop; you may meet other people who are also writing there. Writing can be a lonely business but it can also be surprising­ly convivial. The more fellow writers you connect with as you’re writing, the more fun it will be – and the more likely that your novel will turn out to be terrific. But ultimately, you just have to go for it!

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