Grimsby Telegraph

‘What a complete waste of tax payers’ money’

- By Phil Frejiszyn

WOE to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.

So it’s going to cost an additional £4 million to put it back where it was, it cost the former council £6 million to move where it is (including the road screw up) and now it’s going to cost an additional £4 million to put it back.

I know the current situation with buses is awful but you have to ask the question: With the decline of Freshney Place and so little shopping opportunit­ies in town, does the footfall warrant that amount being spent? I’m pretty sure Grimsby residents can think of far more projects that are in need of funding.

I have never known where to catch the bus since they got rid of the bus station - all that money wasted. Do they ever ask the “customers” before they go ahead and throw our cash away?

It doesn’t matter how many buses or how frequent they go to town. It will never encourage more passengers as there’s nothing in town worth visiting.

How many times have they altered that bus stop centre now?

I think that money could be well spent on the inside and make us a decent shopping centre. I’ve lived here all my life and feel ashamed at times of the state it is getting into. Makes me feel sad.

So have they admitted they made a mess of the bus stops scattered around town? So now let’s waste some more tax payers’ money to put it back to how it was originally. Well done council.

Once again they managed to spend a vast amount “improving” the bus stops by removing them and putting them all over the show.

All they had to do was leave the bus station as it was, just get it covered and maybe put a cafe inside and bus times on a big screen. The out-of-town buses could all be where the Louth bus leaves from. For anyone not local it’s confusing and people with mobility issues struggle. The average person on the street could have done a better job.

You can’t make this stuff up can you! We had a perfectly good bus station which they moved for no reason, now they want to spend £10 million to put it back there when that money could be used for so many better things.

What a complete waste of our tax payers’ money yet again. The council only moved the last one as Debenhams promised to move to that site and then pulled out.

Why do we need a ticket office and staff in it when we don’t currently need one? Park and ride? Ride to where exactly? Come on, let’s stop throwing money away and put it to good use, we are all feeling the pinch in our wallets these days, use the money you have to make a difference to everyone not just the few who use the buses.

I’m not angry they’re putting it back to how it was. I’m angry they changed it in the first place. Born and bred in this town and when I do use the bus I’m always asking someone where I should go. It’s ridiculous.

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