Halifax Courier

Non-stop action for Shield contest anglers


exhaustibl­e supply, with the vast majority returned straight to the water.

Each catch was noted with the eventual winners decided on a points system according to species.

Offers to go wrasse fishing at different venues were turned down, no doubt to the satisfacti­on of the skippers counting the savings in deisel.

The one drawback of this decision was that fewer species were caught than usual with just the odd gurnard and small flat fish.

That prompted organiser Steve Breeze, who no doubt had designs on one of the more obscure prizes, to get a sizeable dogfish weighed

A draw takes place beforehand to determine which anglers are on which boats.

Those lucky enough to be with veteran Roy Smith on the Aqua Star were soon distracted from matters in hand by the black pudding, sausages, bacon sandwiches and steaming mugs of tea which came out of his tiny galley.

The boat was rocked - literally - shortly after midday.

The wind started to get up and the rain clouds rolled in, making the sea choppier.

A 10-minute cloud burst was a taster for a two-hour drenching, in which even the best waterproof­s were tested.

Most competitor­s were unmoved, battling on right up to the 3.30pm finish and then stop three, Amlwch harbour.

Those who had left West Yorkshire at around 4.30am were anxious to get home but many stopped for refresh- ments in a local hostelry first. For once stories of ‘the one that got away’ were not required.

The four-man team with the most points will lift the Shield at West End BC on a date to be fixed.

There is also a big fish prize and there appeared to be several anglers who caught bull huss close to 10lbs.

Until then the winners are a secret. Rumour has it they need Pythagoras to do the sums.

 ??  ?? Al Ellis with a bull huss caught on the Aqua Star
Al Ellis with a bull huss caught on the Aqua Star

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