Halifax Courier

‘Empowering creative businesses to work less and earn more’


your business? Most people in traditiona­l business have no idea what passive income is. I often get “you do what with the who now?” when I introduce myself! Plus, there are so many spammy-pammy artists out there giving passive income a bad name, it can make climbing over the mountain of “bitcoin and property investment” bull really hard. But that’s part of the fun – watching those lightbulb moments is the best part of my work!

What do you enjoy most about being self-employed? I adore the flexibilit­y of working for myself, plus it’s awesome being able to do what I think is best for my business whenever I choose. I’m a real night-owl, and I love that no-one can judge me for working until 2am because that’s when I’m most motivated!

What do you enjoy least about being self-employed? Justifying what I do to others. Most people don’t believe I run a business because I spend all my time at my computer or on my phone. My business is entirely online and therefore it can be difficult for people to understand that it’s just as successful (and often more so!) than a bricks and mortar business.

Which business figure do you most admire and why? It has to be Natasha Bray. Most people won’t have heard of her as she’s an online practition­er. Her authentic approach and phenomenal support have had an enormous impact on my life and business. Plus, her story of post-natal illness is similar to mine.

What achievemen­t in your career are you most proud of? Seeing my clients and Academy members earning more and working less. Witnessing these amazing breakthrou­ghs makes me so damn proud I could burst!

Where do you see your business going in the next five years? I have huge plans to grow my online Academy and introduce more books and courses that are accessible to anyone who wants to learn about passive income for their business. I know this business will grow year on year, and I’ll be looking to grow my team to match the demand.

If you could work for one company, who would it be and why? It wouldn’t matter the offer – I would never work for another company again. I enjoy the freedom of being my own boss so much that it’s incomparab­le to anything an employer could offer me.

 ??  ?? FOUNDER: Joelle Byrne, Income Generation Strategist and founder of JoelleByrn­e.com.
FOUNDER: Joelle Byrne, Income Generation Strategist and founder of JoelleByrn­e.com.

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