Halifax Courier



In this, my last reflection, I am looking at another new start, a seasonal new start. We are now in the season of summer and soon we will be plunged into the autumn season.

There is a rhythm to the life of the world and over the centuries we have learned to harness this cycle to our advantage.

I wonder, which is your favourite season? When asked that question I always say Spring with the promise of new life and better weather but perhaps all the seasons have something to offer.

I love the summer weather but I also look forward to autumn when the colours change and normally the football season starts (in this “new normal” my team are near the top of their league - that’s because no games have been played and their name begins with B. In the winter I enjoy sorting the garden out ready for spring.

It seems there is something to look forward to in all the seasons.

It seems we may live in a “new normal” but some things will stay the same. The seasons are part of the cycle of growth and new life, they are part of creation. It seems to me that God knew exactly what he was doing when he created the world and the seasons. Somehow he dotted all the “I’s” and crossed all the “T’s” when he finished the job and I believe that’s the same for us.

When he created us he did a great job!

I always marvel at the way our bodies function, at the way we can think, and feel, and do! Is that all by accident? Not for me! Remember whatever the “new normal” may bring the important things stay the same!

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