Halifax Courier

IT’S A CRACKER! 100 of the best Christmas jokes


Have a very merry Christmas on us with our list of 100 best cracker jokes. There’s snow way you’ll get through these hilarious Christmas crackers without a ‘ho-ho-ho’. Forget the tissue hat and the nail clippers, it’s all about the curled up bit of paper inside the cracker that counts.

● What does Santa do with fat elves?

He sends them to an Elf Farm

● What did Cinderella say when her photos didn’t arrive on time?

One day my prints will come

● When do vampires like racing?

When it’s neck and neck

● What’s a dog’s favourite carol?

Bark, the herald angels sing

● What does Miley Cyrus have for her Christmas dinner?


● What do snowmen have for breakfast?


● What does Father Christmas do when his elves misbehave?

He gives them the sack

● What do you give a dog for Christmas?

A mobile bone

● Why did the pony need to gargle?

Because it was a little horse

● What’s black and white and red all over?

An embarrasse­d penguin

● What is Santa’s favourite pizza?

One that’s deep-pan, crisp and even

● What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school?

The elf-abet

● What’s a horse’s favourite TV show?


● What do you call a train loaded with toffee?

A chew-chew train

● Why couldn’t the skeleton go to the Christmas party?

He had no body to go with

● Why did no-one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay?

Because they were two deer

● What happened to the man who stole an advent calendar?

He got 25 days

● How do snowmen get around?

By riding an ‘icicle

● How did Mary and Joseph know that Jesus was 7lb 6oz when he was born?

They had a weigh in a manger

● Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?

A mince spy

● What is the best Christmas present?

A broken drum - you can’t beat it

● What do you call a woman who stands between two goalposts?


● What has four legs but can’t walk?

A table

● What goes “Oh, Oh, Oh”?

Santa walking backward

● Why did Santa have to go to the hospital?

Because of his poor elf

● What do frogs wear on their feet?

Open toad sandals

● Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they arrrrrrr

● What do you call a blind reindeer?

No eye deer

● What do you call a standing blind reindeer?

Still no eye deer

● How do you know if Santa’s been in your garden shed?

You’ve got three extra hoes

● What’s yellow and dangerous?

Shark-infested custard

● What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck?

A Christmas quacker

● What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?

A stick

● Why do birds fly south in the winter?

It’s too far to walk

● What do you get if you eat Christmas decoration­s?


● Did Rudolph go to school?

No, he was elf-taught

● What lies at the bottom of the sea shivering?

A nervous wreck

● Who is Santa’s favourite singer?

Elfis Presley

● How many letters are in the alphabet at Christmas?

25 – there’s no-el

● What did the farmer get for Christmas?

A cowculator

● What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Can you smell carrots?

● Why can’t a bike stand up by itself?

It’s two-tyred

● What school subject are snakes best at?


● Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?

The outside

● What carol do they sing in the desert?

O Camel Ye Faithful

● What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?

Time to get a new fence

● What happened to Santa when he went speed dating?

He pulled a cracker

● Who’s Rudolph’s favourite singer?


● Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas?

Santa Jaws

● What do you get if you lie under a


A pat on the head.

● What athlete is warmest in winter?

A long jumper

● What’s the most popular Christmas wine?

I don’t like sprouts

● What did Adam say the day before


It’s Christmas, Eve.

● What does a frog do if his car breaks down?

He has it toad

● What do you give someone who has everything?


● Why does your nose get tired in winter?

It runs all day

● What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


● What do you call a line of men waiting for a haircut?

A barber-queue

● What kind of music do elves listen to?


● What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride?

A Holly-Davidson

● Why was the turkey in a band?

He was the only one with drumsticks

● What do reindeer put on their Christmas trees?


● What happened when Santa got stuck in a chimney?

He felt Claus-trophobic

● What has four wheels and flies?

A bin lorry

● How did Scrooge win the football match?

The ghost of Christmas passed

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