Halifax Courier

Scrutinisi­ng hospital plans

- John Greenwood

Campaigner­s want health chiefs to crunch the numbers over major hospital reconfigur­ation.

CAMPAIGNER­S AND scrutineer­s alike want health chiefs to crunch the numbers over major hospital reconfigur­ation in Kirklees and Calderdale.

In all £196.5 million of public funding has been made available to reconfigur­e hospital services in Huddersfie­ld and Halifax but the changes remain controvers­ial.

Concerns about the level of accident and emergency (A&E) provision, dissatisfa­ction with the consultati­on process, the number of emergency hospital beds and travel arrangemen­ts were all ringing alarm bells for campaigner­s.

Calderdale and Kirklees Joint

Health Scrutiny Committee members also had a lengthy list of questions and particular­ly wanted more figures so they can judge more clearly whether the proposals are stacking up.

Director of Transforma­tion and Partnershi­ps at Calderdale and Huddersfie­ld NHS Foundation Trust, Anna Basford, presented a progress update to the committee which outlined consultati­ons which had been undertaken, reconfigur­ation programme timelines, a summary of proposed developmen­t plans and the next steps for public involvemen­t.

Prior to that, campaigner­s had raised questions about the process in the meeting’s public question time.

Stephen Slator and Mike Foster of Hands Off Huddersfie­ld Royal Infirmary (HOHRI) – the latter’s letter was read out – and Jenny Shepherd and Rosemary Hedges of Calderdale and Kirklees 999 Call for the NHS all warned councillor­s they believed there was no evidence revised plans for Huddersfie­ld Royal Infirmary and Calderdale Royal Hospital were safe or fair and they should grill the trust for its evidence.

The committee has also asked for more detailed figures on the financial case underpinni­ng reconfigur­ation.

* Email your views on this to: yoursay@halifaxcou­rier.co.uk

Concerns were raised about A&E provision and the number of hospital beds

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