Halifax Courier

How pollution can have a negative affect on your health

- By Dr Keith Souter

I WAS interested to see that pollution levels have so far fallen significan­tly during the pandemic.

In the UK, the greenhouse gases fell by 11 per cent in 2020, which is the biggest annual fall in 30 years.

We know that pollution is not good for the planet, the atmosphere, the earth, the seas, and all the life forms on the planet.

How exactly it impacts on human health is not so well known. But now, work at Columbia University has postulated eight different biological ways that pollution can affect our health.

Firstly, by producing oxidative stress and inflammati­on. Chemicals can deplete our antioxidan­t defences, which can cause inflammati­on, cell death, and organ damage.

Secondly, the genome can be affected. This can result in mutations at cellular level, so that an accumulati­on of DNA errors can trigger various chronic diseases.

Lifestyle can make us more susceptibl­e to illness — if we smoke or take drugs or drink too much alcohol, or eat too much processed food.

These introduce pollutants to the body and cause what we refer to as epigenetic alteration­s.

These can affect the way that DNA in cells is wrapped around proteins called histones inside our cells. That can affect how particular genes are expressed, for good or ill.

Pollutants can affect the way out cellular mitochondr­ia work. A breakdown in the way they function can cause fatigue and again can contribute to chronic disease.

Nano-plastics can exert a hormonal effect on us. These in our environmen­t, food, and consumer products disrupt the regulation of hormones and contribute to metabolic and endocrine disease.

The signals within cells and from cells to cells in tissues and organs can be disrupted by very subtle but by very profound means.

A really important effect is that on microbiome. This is the name given to the trillions of microorgan­isms inside the gut. An imbalance in this can make us susceptibl­e to allergies and infections.

Finally, and fascinatin­gly, the researcher­s postulate that the nervous system function can become impaired by microscopi­c particles in air pollution, which can reach the brain through the olfactory nerve, the nerve that supplies the nose and the sense of smell.

The result can be to interfere with mental cognition, or how we think.

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