Halifax Courier

Let’s show some pride in our towns and clean up grotspots

- Ian Hirst ian.hirst@jpimedia.co.uk @HXCourier

LET’S KEEP Calderdale tidy that’s the message from council chiefs in a new anti-litter campaign unveiled this week.

The authority is urging residents to do their bit locally for a national Great British Spring Clean drive where people and groups pledge to clear their communitie­s and neighbourh­oods of rubbish by picking up rubbish.

This year’s mass campaign, from tomorrow to April 10, calls on families, neighbours, friends and colleagues to join forces and pledge to pick a bag of litter from nearby streets and beauty spots.

Councillor Jenny Lynn, Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Services and Communitie­s, said: “We are proud of the work that Council teams, volunteers and local communitie­s do all year round to keep Calderdale looking clean and beautiful.

“We know that many people want to do their bit to care for the environmen­t, especially during the current climate emergency and since the pandemic began.

“During the Great British Spring Clean, we’re calling on the borough’s kindness and encouragin­g people to get together, get out in the great outdoors and be part of something that

will make a big difference to where we live.”

In Calderdale, the Council’s Green Spaces and Street Scene team is holding a clean-up event on every day of the Great British Spring Clean, visiting one of the borough’s 17 wards each day from 10am.

Everyone in the community is welcome to join in and equipment will be provided.

The national call to action comes as Keep Britain Tidy reveals taking eco action in the outdoors appears to be critical to the wellbeing of our communitie­s, with significan­t benefits to people’s mental health.

In a survey of people who took part in 2021, 86% said volunteeri­ng helped improve their mood. More than half (52%) agreed it helped them meet new

people and make friends, and a staggering 91% agreed they felt more pride in their local area after participat­ing.

As well as polluting streets, parks and beaches, litter harms wildlife, pets and cattle, and costs taxpayers a significan­t amount of money to clean up.

The Great British Spring Clean, now in its seventh year, brings together individual­s, community organisati­ons, businesses and councils to make a difference to the environmen­t and the charity is keen to stress litter picking can be accessible to everybody with the right resources.

The charity reports a significan­t increase in the number of people litter picking in the great outdoors to help their mental wellbeing, following the additional pressures triggered by the pandemic.

Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Allison Ogden-Newton, said: “In the past two years our outdoor spaces and places have mattered to us more than ever before as more people have embraced them during the pandemic – and with this we know local authoritie­s like Calderdale Council have had an extra battle on their hands to keep them clean and green.

“During this year’s Great British Spring Clean, we are calling on everyone in Calderdale to harness the power of collective environmen­tal action by taking on the #BigBagChal­lenge.

“Whether it’s pledging to pick just one bag, or more, we can all carry out small acts of kindness - for our planet and for ourselves.”

Calderdale clean-up events include: March 25, Kershaw estate, Luddendenf­oot; March 26, Beech Rec, Sowerby Bridge;

March 27, Railway Street, Rastrick; March 28, St Peter’s Church, Sowerby: March 29, Ackroyd Park, Boothtown;

March 30, Morrisons, Elland;

March 31, Centre Vale Park, Todmorden; April 1, The Stray, Lightcliff­e; April 2, West View/ Church Lane, Stainland; April 3, Arden Road, Halifax; April 4, St Martin’s Church, Brighouse;

April 5, Shroggs Park, Lee Mount; April 6, Shelf Hall Park;

April 7, Mixenden Library;

April 8, Gaddings Dam, Todmorden; April 9, Queen’s Road Neighbourh­ood Centre, Halifax;

April 10, Sandhall Lane/Gibbet Street, Highroad Well, Halifax.

We know that many people want to do their bit to care for the environmen­t,

 ?? ?? INVESTIGAT­ION: A council community Safety Warden at a fly tipping hot spot in Pellon, Halifax
INVESTIGAT­ION: A council community Safety Warden at a fly tipping hot spot in Pellon, Halifax

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