Halifax Courier

You can have a lot of fun ‘fun-draising’ for us!

There are so many easy ways to support the work of Age UK. Help us to help those who helped us.

- By Lisa Butland, Chief Executive of Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees

THE NEED for Age UK services has risen dramatical­ly in the last two years.

As a local charity we rely on being able to fund-raise to provide more services free or at a subsidised rate.

Our clients have needed us more than ever and thanks to generous donations we have been able to deliver a range of different packs such as activities to keep the mind busy, and exercise packs to improve mobility.

Margaret, aged 89, said “I am so glad of the pack as now I can turn off my TV which is depressing; and it will take my mind off things”.

We have made savings by some staff working from home and reducing the opening hours of our shop in Halifax.

We have generated income from our Wellbeing Centre, which has become a popular venue for hosting family parties, safe in the knowledge that it is age-friendly.

Since the start of Covid we have had to drasticall­y change how we fundraise: people are less likely to be carrying cash now as retailers encourage card payments; large community events were cancelled, and more activities are taking place online.

Older people typically donate more than younger people.

CAF, the Charities Aid Foundation, reported that in 2020 the average donation from someone aged between 55 and 64 was £71; whilst those aged 16 to 24 donated £29.

I wonder why this is the case with more fundraisin­g going online.

Does this mean that the younger generation­s aren’t going to be as loyal to charities as their older counterpar­ts?

With consumer values changing, businesses are increasing­ly taking their social responsibi­lities more seriously.

We are developing longer term partnershi­ps with companies, like Cummins, from whom we were successful in securing a Community Developmen­t Grant for £24,000 towards our very first fully electric minibus.

This will help us to reduce our carbon footprint.

A National Institute of Health study found that when people give to charities it activates regions of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, creating a ‘warm glow’ effect.

Community groups often have a charity of the year, former President of Greenroyd Bowling Club, Sue Ellis, led a range of fundraisin­g activities and recently donated an amazing £2,000 to us.

Fundraisin­g is fun!

There are so many easy ways to support the work of Age UK.

How about hosting a curry night and getting your guests to pay what they think it was worth?

Join us on our virtual Around the World Cycle Ride or spring clean your wardrobe and sell unwanted items on an auction site. Two ladies shaved their heads live on Facebook and raised £1,250 for us.

These one-off activities are a great way to highlight worthy causes. So, with renewed energy we have an ambitious programme ahead of us this year – including our Charity Ball planned for Friday, October 14.

If, like us, you are looking forward to a glitzy night out then reserve your tickets now. Pop into our shop or give us a call if you’d like to help us to help those, who helped us!

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