Halifax Courier

We must try to save innocent lives worldwide

The Western reporting fraternity needs to examine itself and take a look at what it’s values actually are.

- By Hassan Riaz, community pharmacist and teacher at Madni Mosque, Halifax

DO WE have a single set of standards which are adhered to in all times and places? Or are our standards different based on who we are, where we come from, what we believe in, and what the colour of our skin is.

We can’t have one set of values for those living inside of Europe and another set of values for those living outside of Europe.

What’s happening in Ukraine is terrible. Innocent people, women and children, now displaced and made into refugees overnight is terrible. Livelihood­s and families torn apart, lives lost.

At the same time, we must not forget that recent reports indicate 630,000 people have died in the Yemen conflict.

These deaths have been either as a result of the relentless bombing from Yemen’s neighbour Saudi Arabia, or through starvation from the resulting famine.

The United Nations have called it the “greatest humanitari­an catastroph­e in the 21st Century”.

The conflict has been ongoing for the last seven years. It is just as, if not more barbarous, as what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

If the western media had given even a fraction of the attention to Yemen as it had to Ukraine, many innocent lives could have been saved.

In our tradition, saving one life is akin to saving the whole of humanity, we should seek to save innocent lives wherever in the world they may be.

Of course we should support the Ukrainian but we need to be consistent in our foreign policy.

If we are against the Russian attacks against Ukraine, we should also be equally against the Saudi

Arabian government’s acts against the Yemeni people.

Then we must consider the barbaric Israeli occupation of the West Bank. What about the rights of the Palestinia­n people? For decades the Palestinia­n people have had their homes taken away from them, their land stolen from them, and their loved ones taken away. The occupation is ongoing and equally deserves our attention.

Likewise we must remember the people of Kashmir, and the suffering they have faced for decades. My family traces its roots to this special place. It is occupied and innocent people have endured hardship and struggle for generation­s.

When Tony Blair and George Bush invaded Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. 460,000 lives were lost as a result of the war. Did we see the same level of interrogat­ion?

Racism is at the heart of this double standard. These people don’t have blue eyes, they are not white. They are not Europeans. Many news reporters have blatantly stated the importance levelled to European folk. All life is important.

People have been conditione­d for a long time to see brown and black people as inferior. It’s well known, that this has been ongoing for hundreds of years.

What we are seeing is the latest iteration of this. Killing people is not okay. Anywhere. The mainstream media needs to cover all conflicts the same.

I conclude writing this month’s column from the city of Madinah al-Munawarrah, the resting place of the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him. Over 1400 years ago, in his farewell sermon the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, said “A white has no superiorit­y over a black nor does a black have any superiorit­y over a white except by piety and good action.”

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 ?? ?? CONFLICT: A war-destoyed building in a southern Yemeni city
CONFLICT: A war-destoyed building in a southern Yemeni city

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