Halifax Courier

Full-back is happy to have returned from injury


JAMES WOODBURN-HALL is pleased to be back ahead of schedule, but admits that Sunday’s clash with Workington is of major importance.

The 27-year-old marked his first appearance of the season during Monday’s 2616 defeat against Leigh Centurions.

Woodburn-Hall has been out with an injury since preseason, but has surpassed his prognosis for recovery. Speaking about his return, the full-back said: “It does feel amazing. I was gutted when I got injured back in January. It was literally just before the first pre-season game.

“We ended up being two or three weeks ahead of schedule with the return from injury. It felt good. It wasn’t the result we wanted but I felt my performanc­e was okay. I felt good fitness wise so I’m really happy.”

Woodburn-Hall’s return comes at a good time for the Panthers who are in-need of points. As things stand, Halifax sit 11th in the league after losing four of their opening five Championsh­ip games. Next up is the rearranged clash at Workington.

“Every game we play now is important,” said the fullback. “We’ve not had the start we wanted and going up to Cumbria is always tough. Workington is a big game, we’ll build into that this week and hopefully work towards the win there.”

Halifax’s Monday night test against Leigh leaves them with less time to prepare for the trip to the North West. Woodburn-Hall admitted that weekday rugby could take a toll on players with tougher profession­s.

He said: “For some of the boys who are labourers or working on roofs, it’s tough.

“They do a full day’s work and then they come here and put a performanc­e in. It is tough on them.”

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