Halifax Courier

Talking Politics Promises of a better life… not really


Greetland & Stainland Ward Councillor,Paul Bellenger Liberal Democrat Group Leader

Are the people of this country really listened to or are we just made to feel as though we are being listened to? That’s a question that’s on many people’s minds when decisions are taken by government.

We see things happen around us at both local and national level and think “who in their right mind came up with that idea?”.

We know full well that the implementa­tion of some ideas, policies, developmen­ts, and procedures – things that are supposed to improve our communitie­s, standards of living, finances and way of life – fails far too often as soon as it comes into contact with the real world.

We don’t seem to see those at the top complainin­g of poverty, poor standards of living, not being able to feed their children, put gas on the meter or keep their homes warm. That’s because many of the decisions taken are aimed around building a utopian society for those who are worthy of it and with little concern for the rest of us.

As I am a politician, some people may look at me and think the same.

However, my humility will remain, and my goals will stay the same, that is, to help those who need a voice, those who cannot live within the utopian boundaries created by those who have no concept of life outside of them.

I have always said that there are three types of politician: those in it for the money, those in it for the power, and those in it to actually make a positive difference. I certainly know which one I am.

No one will ever understand what another person is going through unless they take the time to step into their shoes, even if temporaril­y. Management, I feel, is very similar – I find myself struggling to have respect for those at the top unless they have been at the bottom at some point in their career. Those that have started at the bottom and worked their way up are the ones who I believe make better decisions, and that’s because they know what impact their decisions will have on everything and everyone below.

I am well aware that reviews and scrutiny take place when ideas are thought of, but then we are reliant upon the honesty of those undertakin­g such activities, their unbiasedne­ss when making these decisions, but also their knowledge and experience­s, and this is where I think we go wrong every time.

As I said, you can’t make a sensible decision on a person’s needs unless you actually know them or have been in the same situation as them.

For this government – or any government – to improve they need to listen to the people of all walks of life, join them in their struggles, spend time with them and see what they face every day. Of the choices that have to be made, eating or heating is probably one of the biggest that most people are currently making, and this is due to the decisions made by those in utopia.

Will we see change soon, but will things improve, or will we have to continue as usual, listening to promises of a better life, and of tax cuts which will help millions but, in reality, don’t?

It would be nice to one day be able to receive something in one hand and not to have it taken away from the other.

 ?? ?? Jeremy Hunt announced tax cuts for businesses and workers in the Autumn Statement. Photo: Getty Images
Jeremy Hunt announced tax cuts for businesses and workers in the Autumn Statement. Photo: Getty Images
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