Hamilton Advertiser

Family’s 100-mile trek Raceison for10k in memory of papa


A Hamilton dad and his two kids have raised more than £2000 for charity by completing the gruelling 100-mile West Highland Way.

Luke Mcaulay (11) and his sister Carly (10) were joined by their father Will to raise funds for Parkinson’s UK.

The family raised the money in memory of their much-missed papa and father-in-law Billy Cavin.

Billy had lived with Parkinson’s for several years before he died in 2015.

Despite some extremely bad weather, the family completed the hike from Milngavie to Fort William and were met at the finishing line by friends and family.

Will said: “I could not be more proud of Carly and Luke, given the torrential rain on the Saturday and Sunday. I really thought we would need to head for home, the guys were soaked through to the skin, but credit to them, when I asked if they wanted to stop they said they wanted to keep going.”

The walk became a real family team effort with mum Caroline Mcaulay, whose father was the motivation for the walk, and youngest child Jordan, becoming a mini-support team, meeting Will, Luke and Carly at checkpoint­s to give them snacks and plenty of encouragem­ent.

Caroline said: “Their papa would be so proud and amazed at what the kids came through to raise this money for Parkinson’s UK. It has been a very emotional journey and one which my dad would have been so proud of.”

Carly said: “The walk was harder than I thought it would be, the wind and rain made it very tough, but I am glad we made it. We met lots of people along the way who said they were very impressed to see Luke and me doing the walk, and some people gave us money toward the charity which was very nice. I don’t think I would want to do it again, but maybe I would if it was for a charity.”

Luke said: “The walk was fun and hard at the same time. I liked climbing the Devil’s Staircase, but I did not like the weather. Looking back, it makes me glad that we kept on going. When it was getting really difficult, Carly and I would try and make up a poem about the walk and raising money for Parkinson’s and how we could beat Parkinson’s for papa.”

Will added: “The family were amazed by the response on social media with loads of words of encouragem­ent, support and donations. During the trip we made connection­s with people from Germany, Spain, America and Israel; it was a great experience. Parkinson’s UK have been very supportive, and it has been a great adventure to raise money and awareness for a cause that is very close to our hearts. Thank you, everyone, for your help, support and kind donations.”

You can continue to support the Mcaulay’s fundraisin­g at www. justgiving.com/fundraisin­g/ caroline-mcaulay

Jan Mattison, Parkinson’s UK regional fundraiser for the west Scotland, said: “The Mcaulay family are absolute stars! Parkinson’s UK is delighted that so many people supported them in raising such a fantastic amount. Everyone’s efforts are really appreciate­d. It’s only through the endeavours of families like the Mcaulays that Parkinson’s UK can continue to provide high quality local services and fund research that will lead to a cure for Parkinson’s.” The countdown has begun to Hamilton town centre’s 10k race.

Hamilten will be held on Saturday, September 21.

And your Advertiser has teamed up with the organisers, Hamilton Business Improvemen­t District, to make sure that all those who sign up have a brilliant day.

The run will begin in the town’s Castle Street and head towards Strathclyd­e Park.

Hamilten is backed by town centre businesses, South Lanarkshir­e Council, South Lanarkshir­e Leisure and Culture and Police Scotland — and we want you to grab your trainers and sign up now! We’re aiming to get more than 1000 pairs of feet pounding our streets, so let’s put Hamilton on the sporting map and show off our town in all of its glory.

Log onto www. entrycentr­al.com and click on ‘Hamilten 10k’. Entry costs £15, or £13 if you are a Scottish Athletics member. Runners must be aged 16 or over on the day of the race.

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 ??  ?? Full family Luke, Will and Carly Mcaulay on their West Highland Way challenge with mum Caroline and younger brother Jordan
Full family Luke, Will and Carly Mcaulay on their West Highland Way challenge with mum Caroline and younger brother Jordan
 ??  ?? Much-loved Billy Cavin
Much-loved Billy Cavin

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