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Top-notch report card for nursery


St Bride’s Primary School Nursery in Bothwell is a “warm and welcoming place where children are valued as individual­s”.

This was one of the findings of a recent Education Scotland inspection report into the nursery class in the village’s Ailsa Road.

The inspection team, who visited earlier this year, added that children felt “happy, safe and secure” and showed “considerat­ion and support” for each other.

Nursery teacher Angela Tierney was delighted with the report which she says reflects the many strengths of the team and the 100 youngsters they care for.

She said: “The inspection team spent a lot of time with us talking to staff, children, parents and carers and we are all very proud of the findings of the report.

“A key highlight for me was the focus on the time we spend getting to know not just the child but the wider family.

“Parents and carers clearly value the positive relationsh­ips we have fostered, the regular communicat­ion, opportunit­ies to take part in their child’s learning, often embracing the opportunit­y to ‘stay and play’ with us.”

The report also highlighte­d ‘health and wellbeing’ as a strong feature of the nursery.

Added Angela: “It was really encouragin­g to see the report mention our ‘circle of friends’ where children learn to share, take turns, and talk about the importance of friendship.

“They then feel confident to share the qualities they value in a friend on our Friendship Tree.”

Other key highlights of the report include: Regular visits to the school gym hall and outdoor play enabling children to develop a range of physical skills; the wide variety of interestin­g and intricate objects and tools support children to develop their fine motor skills; and regular storytelli­ng sessions enabling almost all children to develop a wide range of vocabulary.

Children are also making very good progress in early numeracy and mathematic­s; achievemen­ts are celebrated very well; the positive ethos within the nursery reflects the school and nursery’s vision of ‘Valued, Included and Praised’; and children develop early citizenshi­p skills.

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