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Brother takes leap of faith

Skydive in sister’s memory


The tragic death of his sister aged just 15 has led an Eddlewood dad to leap 10,000 feet from a plane for charity.

His sister Jennifer was born with Rett syndrome – a genetic brain disorder causing speech, movement and developmen­tal problems.

Now Andrew Rankin has parachuted from a plane in his sister’s memory and to raise funds for Rett UK.

The 35-year-old father of two said: “When Jennifer died, as a family we were all heartbroke­n. We took it really badly.

“It was a hard time for us because it was quite unexpected.”

Jennifer passed away because her Rett syndrome caused her to have epilepsy and she succumbed to a massive seizure in the home she shared with her mum in Larkhall.

“Her condition meant she couldn’t speak, her developmen­t was delayed and she had stunted growth,” added Andrew, a cleaner for South Lanarkshir­e Council.

“But she was fantastic. She learned some basic signing so we could understand her – she was just terrific.”

Andrew did the tandem parachute jump at Strathalla­n Airfield at the end of last month.

He said: “I was quite nervous prior to it and it wasn’t helped by the fact that we had to wait around for eight hours for cloud cover to clear before getting the green light to go ahead.

“Hanging over the edge of the plane prior to leaping out was scary but the worst thing was that I couldn’t really control things once we left the plane.

“To be honest it was a bit of a rollercoas­ter ride and I was relieved when it was over.”

The fundraisin­g has been a family effort as Andrew was helped by his wife Leanne and daughter Amy.

Nurse Leanne, helped by Amy, held raffles and tea events at her workplace to help swell the coffers, and local businesses donated things too.

Leanne has also raised cash through a Facebook page called Jump for Jenny.

As a result the magnificen­t total raised currently stands at £5800 and counting.

Andrew said: “We started with a target of £500 but we have exceeded that by miles, so we are delighted.

“I would like to thank everyone who has donated so far.”

And the family now intend to continue raising money until Christmas. You can donate at: www.justgiving.com/fundraisin­g/andy-rankinskyd­ive

• Rett UK was founded in 1985 and is a national charity dedicated to supporting and empowering people with Rett syndrome and their families.

It also aims to support and encourage research into new therapies and treatments for Rett syndrome.

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