Hamilton Advertiser

Ross begins his epic charity bike journey


Stonehouse teacher Ross Mckechnie has been struck by the“kindness and generosity of strangers” as he embarks on the challenge of a lifetime by cycling from China to Scotland.

Ross, 27, is attempting to cycle 10,000 miles through 21 countries in eight months, from Shanghai to the ‘Achieve More Scotland’ HQ in Glasgow, in a bid to raise £10,000 for the charity.

The trip is entirely self-funded, but donations are being taken on his website at rossonther­oad.co.uk, and he hopes to raise at least £1 for every mile he cycles.

After week one of the ambitious project, Ross told the Advertiser: “Everything is going well. The thing that has really struck me is the kindness and generosity of strangers while on the road.

“I have been really touched by how helpful everyone has been.

“Often times, people will ask me in Chinese where I’m going when they see the bike, and when I reply ‘UK’ they think I have misunderst­ood the question and reiterate, saying ‘no, not where you are from, where are you going!’”

At the end of the first day, Ross wrote on social media: “Excellent start to my journey! Was an absolute scorcher, 33 degrees so a little bit red, but not too sore.

“Lots of miles on a big, busy, dual carriagewa­y in the morning, then in the afternoon switched it up to more peaceful farm roads.

“Stopped by this temple at Taicang just outside Shanghai (pictured).

“Stayed with a friend in Wuxi, smashed a bunch of dim sum for dinner and passed out by 9pm!”

On day two, Ross travelled 184.08 km over nearly nine hours.

Mum Elaine said: “That’s week one complete. Ross is doing well and covering a lot of ground.

“Sponsors are coming in from people who know him, but he is already at 52 per cent of his target.

“We have been doing some fundraisin­g here to boost his total, and it is all positive.”

Ross has lived and worked in Shanghai for five years as director of sport at Britannica Internatio­nal School, but decided that he was going to return to Scotland, and would do so by cycling.

While there he met his fiancé, Maikhanh Nguyen

He said: “As director of sport I have pushed the boundaries of our school’s programme, from leading indoor skiing practices and trips to the mountains of northern China to taking the kids to Europe and learning to sail in the Mediterran­ean sea.

“While these developmen­ts have been exciting, I couldn’t help realising that many students back home may never have the privilege of such adventures.”

The charity Achieve More Scotland aims to keep young people away from gang violence, crime, and anti-social behaviour through exercise programmes.

The aim is to raise £1 for every mile Ross travels, but fundraisin­g opportunit­ies are available, ranging from £1 to £1000, via the website by clicking on ‘get involved.’

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