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Gymnasts love flying the flag

Hamilton display team wow fans at World event


Gymnasts and coaches from Hamilton Gymnastics Club’s display section wowed audiences in Austria last week as they represente­d Great Britain at the World Gymnaestra­da.

The prestigiou­s festival is held every four years, and the 16th edition saw 62 nations and 20,000 athletes take part.

A week-long celebratio­n of gymnastics, the gymnaestra­da’s focus is on participat­ion for all, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, culture, ability or social standing.

Hamilton GC’S display team were flying the flag for Team GB; a total of 14 gymnasts aged from 16 to 22 joined four coaches in the city of Dornbirn.

Head of the Hamilton delegation was club manager Wendy Lucas and her mum Dorothy (or Dot as she’s known) who were both attending their sixth gymnaestra­da. They were joined by coaches Sarah Marshall and Shona Grigor.

Wendy was one of British Gymnastics’ choreograp­hers for the event. She spent the best part of the last year putting together a number of big performanc­es, including GB’S mass stadium display, featuring 800 gymnasts from across the UK.

Wendy said: “Our team from Hamilton were due to perform five times, but they ended up being asked to perform their ‘Let’s Get Loud’ and ‘Legends’ routines at least twice a day.

“They received great feedback for their energy, timing and performanc­e.

“We had huge audiences throughout – up to 4000 people – and we performed 11 times over the week.”

The squad’s main appearance­s included at an exhibition centre, on a massive stage in the city centre with a stunning backdrop of mountains, and by special invitation at an English-speaking countries event.

They also took part in opening and closing ceremonies. Wendy said: “It’s such a fantastic event. Many of our team were at the last event in 2015 and all wanted to return.

“They are the older gymnasts in our club and many of them have been with us since they were six or seven years old.

“Lots of them now coach at the club and they come to display training every week.

“It’s a great way of keeping them in the sport when they get a little older, and they all see it as a great honour to pull on the GB kit.”

In order to finance the trip, the ladies fundraised for two years, raising more than £16,000 to attend the festival.

Several businesses were kind enough to support the team, with contributi­ons from Scottish Sea Farms Ltd, Hamilton Sports Council, Manor View Hotels, Newfields Cattery and Tunnock’s helping the team to achieve its goals.

In Austria, each participat­ing country was accommodat­ed in 16 villages around the host city, where communitie­s made sure the gymnasts were well looked after and enjoyed their stay.

Wendy explained: “Gymnaestra­da is a chance for the team to absorb themselves in their favourite sport.

“We spent eight days and nights in ‘gymnastics land’, with 20,000 other people who love the sport as much as we do – what could be better?

“We loved performing to packed-out audiences, watching the FIG (gymnastics world governing body) gala, and performing in the GB large group display.

“It is seen as something to look up to for the younger gymnasts in the club who hope one day to join the team at gymnaestra­da.

“Every gymnast I have ever taken to a gymnaestra­da has said it is an experience of a lifetime and this year was no different.

“We had a fantastic time, made amazing friends, and now they all want to keep coming back with me.”

 ??  ?? Team GB Coaches Sarah Marshall, Wendy Lucas, Dot Lucas and Shona Grigor
Team GB Coaches Sarah Marshall, Wendy Lucas, Dot Lucas and Shona Grigor
 ??  ?? Jumping for joy A gymnast performs in a cable car in Austria
Jumping for joy A gymnast performs in a cable car in Austria

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