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Your views on the decision to keep schools open


Parents need to make their own minds up. Don’t wait to be told. This is your family so your decision. Julie Herkes

Listen to the guidelines then make your own decisions. No drama required.

Wendy Mac

Limit social contact so keep schools open? Then there’s the parents dropping kids off at school, oh and kids using public transport to get to school, but we have to limit social contact so how does that work? Lesley Anne Carroll

Damned if you do damned if you don’t.

Shona Nicholson

Do what other countries have done, those who can work from home, have their kids at home. Those who can’t, emergency workers, etc have their children in school in much reduced numbers where they can observe the required separation distances.

Yvonne Finlayson

My worry is there is kids that need to be at school for routine, food and warmth.

Karenanne Laing

Surely primary and secondary classes of at least 20 children equate to social contact?

Celestia Rose

So ‘work from home’ where possible yet send kids to school? Avoid social gatherings...so conflictin­g.

Lisa Mcfadyen

How can you keep the schools open when contact has to be limited? Kirsty Craney

How can you limit social contact in a school?

Laura Johnstone

Children are highly unlikely to get the virus. If schools shut this means our health care workers and all other vital workers need to stay home and we won’t have care for the sick and vulnerable. The government are doing their best with the informatio­n they are being given by scientists. There is no way they would put all children in danger. At school they are made to wash their hands several times a day and the less fortunate kids will be fed a meal which could be their main meal of the day. We all have opinions or rights. If you feel your child is at risk then keep them home, but don’t slate other parents for sending their kids to school. Let’s follow the advice, make good decisions for our families and all stick together to get us through this worrying time.

Kate Dorricott

The schools are left open so that nurses can continue working ready for the onslaught of sick people. Fixes one problem but creates another.

Mo Pate

That’s fine as long as they are prepared to keep their children isolated in house or own gardens. Agree and understand but need to be wise and sensible.

Frances Burke

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