Harefield Gazette

Home at risk? Seek help now

MP urges people to get support

- By Katherine Clementine katherine.clementine@trinitymir­ror.com

JOHN McDonnell has called on people in poor housing or at risk of homelessne­ss to contact the charity Shelter.

The Hayes & Harlington MP and Shadow Chancellor made the appeal after attending the launch of Shelter’s latest awareness raising campaign on Tuesday, January 5.

It helps more than four million people a year, including 531 in Hillingdon last year, with free housing advice and national helpline services.

Mr McDonnell said: “Shelter’s frontline services provide invaluable assistance to many of Hayes and Harlington residents, particular­ly at what can be an extremely tough time of year.

“They can often be the difference between a family staying in their home or becoming homeless.

“I would urge anyone who is having difficulty making their rent or mortgage payments to contact Shelter, or myself, as soon as they can.”

A YouGov survey claims one in ten rent or mortgage payers in London will struggle to make ends meet this month and 21 per cent are cutting back on winter fuel and clothing to meet their housing payments – the equivalent of 1.4 million people.

Alison Mohammed, Shelter’s director of services, said: “Every day at Shelter we hear from families who face the bleak choice between missing their rent or cutting back on heating.

“No one should have to face these problems alone, which is why Shelter is here 365 days a year. Getting advice early can make all the difference, and we’re only ever a click or a call away at shelter. org.uk/advice or on 0808 800 4444.”

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