Harefield Gazette

A healthy turnout for CCG

Residents attend meeting to air concerns about the local NHS

- By Ryan O’Donovan ryan.o’donovan@trinitymir­ror.com

MORE than 120 Hillingdon residents attended the annual Hillingdon Clinical Commission­ing Group (CCG) Health conference on Friday to demand improvemen­t.

The event, which was held at Brunel University, gave attendees to highlight what they thought could be improved on within the NHS in Hillingdon for the next year.

Among the main concerns raised was the difficulty getting doctor appointmen­ts at local surgeries and what could be done to make it easier for people to obtain an appointmen­t.

Another main concern for people at the event was making sure parents and children had access to the right care at the right time so that they do not have to rely on emergency services.

Older patients raised concerns about their care being mismatched, wanting the services they are given to be more streamline­d – helping people avoid going to hospital unless they have to – and, for those that do end up in hospital, making sure they are able to get home quickly and safely.

Patients also expressed the desire to make sure Hillingdon had the right services on offer so people do not need to go to A&E or urgent care centres unless absolutely necessary.

Hillingdon CCG chairman and local GP Dr Ian Goodman said: “This is one of the best attended local health events in this part of London so thank you to everyone who came today.

“We want to carry on the conversati­on so feel free to contact us or visit our Facebook page and leave a comment.”

He said the CCG would report back to indicate the next steps involved in responding to the feedback received.

 ??  ?? n CHAIRMAN: Dr Ian Goodman
n CHAIRMAN: Dr Ian Goodman

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