Heat (UK)


She bought him a fancy car, but she’s still keeping a very close eye on him


Since Katie Price’s husband Kieran Hayler admitted to cheating on her back in 2013, Katie – aka Jordan – hasn’t let a special occasion pass without bringing it up. Wedding vow renewal? It was in her speech. Celeb Big Brother appearance? Time to spill all to her fellow housemates. A nd last week, at Kieran’s 30th birthday party, the shadow of his infidelity was hanging over the occasion again. Katie presented her husband with an Audi RS8 car worth over £120k – complete with security cameras on the inside so she can keep an eye on things. “Kate has CCTV on all her cars for security purposes,” an insider tells heat. “The camera on Kieran’s new car can be on 24/7.”

In May 2014, Kieran admitted driving to meet Katie’s best friend Jane Pountney in pub car parks and meeting spots to have sex with her, so it’s no wonder Jordan wants to keep an eye on him. “Kate’s been open about her trust issues and sometimes uses the CCTV in the house to check up on him,” says the friend. “She says it’s for her own security as well.”

Katie’s love of filming Kieran is well documented – in August 2014, she revealed, “On New Year’s Eve, I had a party… and Kieran and Jane had sex in the barn. I’ve got it on camera, because of the CCTV footage.” Then, on Celeb Big Brother, she told housemates Kieran’s affair was “on the cameras”.

However, Kieran seemed pleased with his new car, which Katie presented to him during his “Twisted Circus” themed party at Gilgamesh in Camden – and where she also broke her year-long no-booze vow. “Kate was wearing a skirt that she got shortened specially, and got a bit tipsy on the cocktails that were called things like ‘KGB’, which stood for ‘Kieran’s a good boy’,” we’re told. “She also ordered a bottle of Dom Pérignon Champagne with sparklers on it.”

After the main party, they went to DSTRKT, where she was dancing until 3am. “At one point, she did this sexy routine for Kieran and everyone who was watching. Kate was saying the night was all about him, but he hadn’t even met some of the guests before, and Kate spent most of the night talking to her mates and ignoring Kieran,” says an onlooker.

We suspect he was a teensy bit glad to be out of her sight. At least for a few moments… n

 ??  ?? She had that skirt shortened specially “Wahey!”
She had that skirt shortened specially “Wahey!”

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