Heat (UK)

We invited Charlotte Crosby and Stephen Bear over for tea… Expect typically brilliant bants

heat spoke to the new couple about fights, babies, and monitoring each other’s mobiles…


Last week, Charlotte Crosby, 26, and her boyfriend of six weeks, Stephen Bear, 27, were pictured looking loved-up on holiday . But when heat sat down with the Just Tattoo Of Us presenters, it sounded like it hadn’t all been plain sailing…

So, Charlotte, you let Bear tattoo you on the show?

Yeah, I went mental when I saw it [a half bear, half cheetah on her back]. I threw stuff at him, I attacked him.

Did you mind how flirty he is with other contestant­s on the show?

It’s telly, I do the same. There were two boys on , and they were fighting over me. But if he was in a club and holding a girl’s hand, then yeah, I would punch his face in.

Do you trust him?

I’ll trust him until he does something that means I can’t trust him anymore.

And would you have zero-tolerance if he cheated?

[Sighs.] It’s so hard to say, isn’t it? I don’t know, we just have to see. I’ve got his password, so I can check his phone.

Is there anything about him that annoys you?

Yeah, he doesn’t take anything seriously. On the last day of filming, he was so annoying – we were all so angry. Oh God, it was like a showdown. But he’s amazing at what he does. No one would’ve watched Celebs Go

Dating without him. It would be so boring.

How do you feel about his plan for ten kids?

That’s not happening. Why would you want your girlfriend to have ten children? And have the biggest fanny in the world? I think the most I would ever have is four.

Are you broody?

[Looks horrified.] No! I’m just not ready.

Have you seen anything of Bear’s ex and your former Geordie Shore co-star Vicky Pattison?

No, we haven’t yet. It will happen at some point, and of course it’ll be weird, but more because we haven’t actually spoken for so long. I don’t even know what I would say to Vicky now. We never had an argument or anything, but something weird happened and we just never spoke again.

 ??  ?? With Bear’s ex Vicky P in less awkward times
With Bear’s ex Vicky P in less awkward times

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