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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


ARIES 20 Mar-19 Apr Mercury moving forward hints at increased learning this week, making this the ideal period to start that project you’ve been delaying. In more good news, your money house is powerful, too. If you fancy a shopping spree or pampering treat, go for it. Brains and beauty? Lucky you.

LUCKY MATTER: Grey TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May Lord Alan Sugar should watch his back this week, as a mighty Mars hints at great financial intuition. You don’t have to make any big investment­s – your Midas touch brings little bargains, too. Health wise, a surge in willpower says a pre-summer detox will triumph.

LUCKY WORD: Canny GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun Relationsh­ip irritation­s that threatened to give you a nervous tic should resolve now, thanks to a less stressful Mercury/jupiter aspect. Elsewhere, delay making big decisions right now if you can. A new work propositio­n may change things for the better.

LUCKY ADVICE: Wait it out CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul You can find yourself getting stressed at work, but hang in there – next week, it’ll be a distant memory. Venus in your 10th house of family and friends says the people who love you have your back, so relax. Don’t neglect nutrition under pressure, though.

LUCKY TEAM: Back-up LEO 23 Jul-23 Aug You’re one heck of a friend – always supporting others and making them look good. This week, your halo may even be visible from outer space if you do an extra good turn. Work-wise, take advantage of a slower pace to pay more attention to your home life.

LUCKY EMOJI: Angel VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sep It’s time for a money detox. Your financial planet Venus’ aspect says shed unnecessar­y payments and pay some bills now. Elsewhere, your shoulder is needed for a friend or family member with problems. They know you’re a rock, so let them lean on you.

LUCKY QUALITY: Unshakeabi­lity LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct W hether you’re in a relationsh­ip or single, you’ll be magnetical­ly drawn to someone this week. A powerful 8th house of sex says be super-wary. However, an unexpected cause for a family celebratio­n could hopefully take your mind off temptation.

LUCKY STRENGTH: Willpower SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov You’re all about emotional balance. This week, you’re cushioned in a comfort zone at home, freeing you up to concentrat­e on exciting job opportunit­ies. Don’t get so caught up that you neglect things that help keep you sane, like sleep.

LUCKY WEAPON: Cat naps SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov-21 Dec Mercury moving into your 6th house of health and work hints that physical wellbeing is helped by good social health (if you don’t overdo the pinot), so plan a night out with colleagues. Elsewhere, sort out a hiccup with your loved one as soon as possible to prevent problems later.

LUCKY EMOJI: Smiley face CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan You always tend to bring out the best in people, and this week the emphasis is firmly on helping others. But while you’re busy being selfless, don’t neglect a home issue. Careerwise, even if work feels stagnant things are moving – thanks to a lovely Venus aspect. Be patient.

LUCKY DESCRIPTIO­N: Saintly AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb You might get the urge to unleash your inner party animal this week – blame a Mercury/uranus aspect – but you’ve more than earned it. Elsewhere, you know better than to be dishearten­ed by a work developmen­t. You’ll soon see the bigger picture.

LUCKY EMOJI: Sassy dancer PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar Singletons, there’s a good chance you won’t be that way for much longer. Pisces in partnershi­ps may also feel new passion. It’s all down to your love planet Mercury, so relax and enjoy. Health-wise, add to your sexy glow by upping your workouts.

LUCKY EMOJI: Hearts for eyes


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