Heat (UK)

Give your workout a boost by plugging yourself into the mains

The no-pain*, all-gain fitness secret behind the MIC girls’ amazing bodies (*Well, almost!)


Imagine getting the results of a 90-minute workout in just 20 minutes. Well, you can do just that with the latest workout craze sweeping Instagram. Time-poor celebs from Courteney Cox to MIC’S Rosie Fortescue have been turning to Electrical Muscle Stimulatio­n (EMS) training – a unique way to supercharg­e your workout, delivering amazing results in a fraction of the time. It’s been used by pro athletes for years, and it could totally transform your exercise plan.


EMS technology uses electrical currents, which are channelled through pads attached to the body to stimulate the muscles while you’re working out. If you really want to work yourself as hard as possible in the shortest space of time, it overrides your body’s natural tendency to conserve energy and intensifie­s your exercise by making your muscles work up to 30 per cent harder, really penetratin­g the deep muscle tissue.


Yes. The science really backs up the results, and when we tried it – even though the HIIT exercises the trainer had us doing were quite basic (sit-ups, lunges, etc) – we felt the burn for days afterwards, and looked and felt much tighter.


Not really. There’s a strange buzzing sensation, and the trainer will crank up the voltage if you’re finding it too easy. When you’re doing sit-ups, it feels like you have someone sitting on top of you, but as the currents only last for a burst of a few seconds, it’s absolutely bearable. You shouldn’t need more than a couple of sessions a week, and it’s best to combine EMS with other forms of exercise to achieve optimum results.


Currently, most specialist classes are in London. E-pulsive sessions cost £30 for a group booking, or £40 for a one-to-one session (E-pulsive.

co.uk). But EMS technology is expected to be rolling out across the country very soon. In the meantime, home kits such as the Slenderton­e Abs3 Toning Belt (Argos, £49.99) are effective in targeting specific areas.

 ??  ?? Rosie and Louise love the results Are friends electric? Louise Thompson and Rosie Fortescue get plugged in It also charges your iphone
Rosie and Louise love the results Are friends electric? Louise Thompson and Rosie Fortescue get plugged in It also charges your iphone

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