Heat (UK)

Cheryl’s I’m-finally-happy X Factor outfit

Chez makes a statement as she returns to the show


Alot can change in two years, just ask Cheryl. Back in 2015, the singer was fighting off speculatio­n over the state of her marriage – and health – as she turned up at The X Factor auditions looking painfully thin in a black crop-top and high-waisted trousers. Months later, she split from second husband Jean-bernard Fernandez-versini.

But as the star, 34, makes her triumphant return to the show this week – in a crop-top and trousers combo that makes more than a passing nod to that much-discussed outfit – the singer is radiating happiness and health.

According to insiders, Cheryl – who filmed her guest judging slot with Simon Cowell in the south of France last week – is finally getting some closure. “Filming ended up being very emotional for her – it was a bit of a full-circle moment,” a friend of the star tells

heat. “Last time, she was in a very unhappy place, and everyone remarked on how she was too thin and looked under strain.

“Now she’s much more secure in her relationsh­ip with Liam, and Bear is just the love of their lives. Being on familiar ground has reminded her what she’s good at, and Simon would have her back full-time in a heartbeat. Although they’ve had their ups and downs, he really is like a father figure to her.”

And it seems their banter is as strong as ever. In a clip released last week, Simon teases Cheryl about the name Bear, while she retorts: “Why would you want to be called Arthur or Simon – one of those common names?”

Her choice of outfit, meanwhile, was just as defiant. “She wanted to pick something that represents who she is, because she’s really proud of the fact that she’s made it out of that difficult time,” our insider tells us.

And for those wondering where baby Bear was during filming, rest assured he got to enjoy the luxury villa, too.

“She had someone on hand to help with Bear while the cameras were rolling, but otherwise she was by his side.” Beary cute.

 ??  ?? Having bants with Simon on the show
Having bants with Simon on the show
 ??  ?? She looked painfully thin in 2015
She looked painfully thin in 2015
 ??  ?? Judges’ Houses? I best get packing
Judges’ Houses? I best get packing

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