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Try our supermodel workout plan

The fit-kit models use to get their booty runway ready


Think models spend the run up to Fashion Week doing cardio sessions in the gym? Wrong. The secret to sculpting a lean, toned body worthy of the catwalk is very small, focused micro-movements to activate your muscles. They might not look like much – but trust us, they burn, as we learned after a masterclas­s with Zach Morris (@trainwithz­achy), a master trainer with p.volve, the unique fitness method beloved by the models who flock to their New York studio.

The theory behind p.volve draws upon a physical therapy background, with each move designed to strengthen the body, so it’s a great workout if you’re recovering from an

injury or returning to exercise after childbirth. Founder Stephen Pasterino, explains, “I moved to New York several years ago to become a trainer, and women kept coming to me, confused by how their body was reacting to high-intensity workouts – they were bulking up instead of getting leaner. After observing and studying different workouts, I realised that many of these women were being trained like men – like how I used to train for football. I knew there had to be another way to get my clients the results they were after, so I set out to create a method that de-bulks, tones and strengthen­s your body, bringing it back to your natural proportion­ate shape.

“My p.volve method is a full-body workout, but I focus mainly on the hips and the glutes. Most of us are stuck in one position all day, sitting at a desk or driving a car. I like to train you in movements that are authentic to everyday life – so think stepping patterns, reaches, rotations, and moves that mimic walking. p.volve is an anti-pulse method, meaning I don’t go over eight reps in any exercise – I’ve found my clients tend to lose perfect form after that number and go into fatigue. I always say, ‘Your muscles should be singing, not screaming.’”

Fancy giving it a go? You can live-stream the workouts at home for as little as $15 (£12) a month (free for the first 15 days), or follow the moves on their Insta (@p.volve).

 ??  ?? Victoria’s Secret model Nadine Leopold swears by p.volve
Victoria’s Secret model Nadine Leopold swears by p.volve
 ??  ?? The method is many catwalk stars’ best-kept secret
The method is many catwalk stars’ best-kept secret
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 ??  ?? Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it…
Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it…
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