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The all-seeing Jan Jacques tells you what the stars have in store this week


20 Mar-19 Apr

Schmoozing doesn’t always appeal to you, but this week, the direct approach won’t help a work issue. So, choose your words carefully and use your charm. Elsewhere, Venus in your 7th house hints that a joint venture could soar, so do hear out all the details. LUCKY DEMEANOUR: Persuasive

TAURUS 20 Apr-20 May

You’re really making things happen this week, and unselfishl­y, too. This rare Grand Trine in the Earth signs aids your skill at managing others at work – you could help realise someone’s dream. This may also include a family member searching for focus. LUCKY SKILL: Sense of direction

GEMINI 21 May-20 Jun

The path of true love has not run too smoothly for you of late, but that is about to change. A beautiful Mercury/venus aspect signals issues resolved – just don’t be tempted to backtrack. Work-wise, do that boring task before it becomes urgent, and feel rightly smug. LUCKY MANTRA: All in order

CANCER 21 Jun-22 Jul

Now is a boom time for learning new stuff. A powerful 3rd house is great for students or anyone launching new projects or sidelines. Have the courage of your conviction­s. Your rosy outlook inspires others. LUCKY SAYING: “Learn as if you were to live forever”

23 Jul-23 Aug

Don’t shy away from change. Venus’ solstice (your career planet) at the end of the week signals a possible new direction. Make sure you dictate as much of it as you can. Elsewhere, steer clear of white lies to a pal – they want the truth. LUCKY AVENUE: Fresh and new

VIRGO 24 Aug-23 Sep

Don’t stress over a tiff. Retrograde love planet Neptune can cause clashes, but you can handle them. Singletons, you can look after yourself, so don’t let others dictate. Health-wise, force those unfounded worries from your mind and feel better. LUCKY MINDSET: Clear

LIBRA 23 Sep-22 Oct

Keep the faith in yourself. No one else doubts you, and a rare Grand Trine may aid decisions this week. Advice is useful, but your practical and financial choices should be sound. On the home front, don’t dismiss a buy that may save you cash in the long run. LUCKY AIM: Conviction

SCORPIO 23 Oct-21 Nov

Better friends than lovers this week. Venus’ solstice can bring a lull in the bedroom, but this isn’t a bad thing. This is when talking and cuddles beat sex. Work-wise, don’t dig yourself deeper with an issue you can’t win. Retire graciously. LUCKY STANCE: Face to face

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov- 21 Dec

When your priorities are tested, you nail it. Mars in your career house all month signals a flurry, but by now, you have achieved enough. This week, take time for loved ones. Elsewhere, do that one easy but boring task at home. LUCKY ADVANTAGE: Fabulous back-up team

CAPRICORN 22 Dec-19 Jan

It is still all about work and a wonderful Venus/mercury aspect helps. You need to be a little bit ruthless for something to work out best for everyone, so take a deep breath. Meanwhile, don’t assume you know a friend’s feelings. Ask away. LUCKY WISH: Playing cards right

AQUARIUS 20 Jan-18 Feb

Warning: flirtation­s are forecast in the most unlikely of places, possibly to do with religion. Fine for singletons, but others must diplomatic­ally decline. For light relief, a child or childlike person close to you may make you laugh. LUCKY INSIGHT: Knowing what really matters

PISCES 19 Feb-19 Mar

Get ready for a tidal wave of goodwill. A strong 7th house spells love, affection and lots of laughter. And Mars in there implies financial benefits from being sociable and making contacts. Your company is coveted. LUCKY STATE: Sought-after


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