Heat (UK)

Posh and Becks are bickering over where to spend Christmas

It’s all kicking off Chez Beckham

- Kate Randall

Where to spend Christmas is an argument that most couples have every year, and it seems that Victoria and David Beckham are no different. The pair are said to be “at war” over what they are doing for the festive season, as Posh is keen for a cosy family Christmas at their Cotswolds home, while David is desperate for them to spend it in Miami to get to know his new stomping ground as he launches his football team there early next year. Talk about first world problems.

“David and Vic have been rowing non-stop about where they’re going to be spending Christmas this year,” an insider tells heat. “Vic’s tearing her hair out, as she doesn’t know how she’s going to pull everything together in time when they still haven’t decided. She had really set her heart on the whole family being together in

the Cotswolds for a traditiona­l Christmas, but David wants to shake things up by hiring somewhere in Miami, to get to know his new temporary home. He wants to show the people of Miami that he is dedicated to the city, people and its football club.”

We’re told, in an ideal world, Victoria would celebrate Christmas with David and their children – Brooklyn, 20, Romeo, 17, Cruz, 14, and eight-year-old Harper – with members of their extended family at their country mansion. However, with David’s parents being divorced and his dad in a new relationsh­ip, he is finding it difficult and thinks it would be easier if just the six of them were together in the sunshine.

“Ever since David’s parents split, it’s been difficult for him to see both of them during the festive season, or decide who to prioritise,” says the source. “It’s even harder this year, now Ted [his dad] has his girlfriend Hilary to consider. He would rather

see both sets of parents separately in the lead up to the holidays, and then fly out somewhere hot where they can all let their hair down. He’s suggested that they split their Christmas in two – with early celebratio­ns in the UK with both sides of the family – but Vic has dismissed this as ridiculous. She knows it’s awkward for him to decide who to invite, as Ted and [his mum] Sandra won’t want to attend together if Ted’s got his girlfriend there. But she doesn’t understand why that means they have to fly halfway around the world when they could be at home with all their creature comforts around them. She feels he’s being selfish, and has told him so.”

We’re told the 45-year-old fashion designer is keen to spend some quality time with her 44-year-old husband over the holidays, as they have more or less been leading separate lives recently, due to work commitment­s. While in America last week, Posh said,

“David is watching the kids, and we swap. When I’m at home, he’s away, so one of us is always there looking after the kids.”

The insider adds that Vic knows that they’ll be spending more time apart next year, and is considerin­g giving in to David for an easier life. But she thinks the kids would rather be in the Cotswolds as it’s so festive, and Harper, especially, gets excited about spending time there at Christmas. They’ve been there the past couple of years and have made lots of new traditions, which Vic is keen to continue.

“Vic feels as though it’s a taste of things to come next year, with David wanting to spend more and more time in the US, and she feels as though her voice is not being heard enough in the household, and that everything is on David’s terms,” our insider says. “But she doesn’t want them to be going into the holidays feeling miserable, so she’s already thinking about giving him what he wants. Once again, they’ve found themselves at opposite ends of the spectrum, wanting very different things, which only seems to highlight that everything between them is not as great as they always try to make out on Instagram.”

Vic has made no secret of how much she loves Christmas, and we’re told the last thing she wants is for her and David to be arguing, especially when they have worked so hard to get their marriage back on track. She’s said to be hoping David will compromise by agreeing to just go away for New Year, something they have done often in the past.

“Vic’s trying to remain positive and give the impression that she’s happy and fun to be around right now – but secretly she’s miserable, as she’s got no idea what’s going on for Christmas, and it’s really starting to bother her,” heat’s insider adds. “She’s begged David to just grant her this request of having a traditiona­l family Christmas, and then they can go wherever he wants for New Year. She thinks New Year’s Eve in Miami would be a lot of fun, and they can invite some of their friends to join them. It could be the best of both worlds.” n

‘Vic feels as if her voice is not being heard enough’

 ??  ?? Posh: wants the family to be together
Posh: wants the family to be together
 ??  ?? Becks: wants Christmas in Miami
Becks: wants Christmas in Miami
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? The Beckhams celebratin­g together in the Cotswolds last Christmas
The Beckhams celebratin­g together in the Cotswolds last Christmas
 ??  ?? That outfit totally won’t work in Miami, Santa
That outfit totally won’t work in Miami, Santa
 ??  ?? What a carve-up!
What a carve-up!

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