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Michelle: ‘I put work before my marriage’

The actress opens up on time apart from Mark


Pre-pandemic, Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright were serious globetrott­ers. While Mark worked as a TV presenter in LA, Michelle was filming Our Girl in South Africa and Malaysia for months at a time. The couple – who married in 2015 – faced rumours that the distance had put a strain on their marriage. In a recent interview, 33-year-old Michelle addressed the speculatio­n, pointing out that she valued her acting career very highly.

“Going away for work is never seen as a good thing, only as a negative, and I don’t understand that,” she said last week. “Are you seriously supposed to turn down work in case it impacts your marriage? I find it ridiculous. The travelling could be tiring, but it was amazing. I remember taking off one weekend and spending it on a tropical beach and thinking, ‘I’m being paid to be in another country doing something I love.’”

Michelle also addressed the subject of children. Calling it, “no one else’s business”, she revealed she was fed up of being asked when or if the couple might have kids. “Nobody else knows what goes on behind closed doors,” Michelle explained. “I think that’s the reason that question affects me so much – it’s very private. Mark is asked about it occasional­ly, but I’m asked every single time.” She also revealed that family members have also stopped asking the question, saying, “People don’t mean any harm by it, but they know what the answer’s going to be.”

The couple live in Essex with their two dogs, and are currently building their dream home there – with Mark sharing a video last week showing himself mucking in with the building work. n

 ??  ?? Dream couple
Dream couple
 ??  ?? Working up a sweat
Working up a sweat

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