Heritage Railway

Council backs project tobuild Stockton& Darlington replica


PLANS to buildawork­ing replica of TimothyHac­kworth’s pioneering Stockton& Darlington Railway

0- 6- 0 RoyalGeorg­e, in time for the world’s first public steam- operated line’s 2025 bicentenar­y, have been boosted bya£ 4700 grant for a feasibilit­ystudy.

The replica will be built under the auspices of the Friends of the Stockton& Darlington Railway and could cost up to £ 500,000.

Funding for the study has come from Darlington Borough Council and it will be carried out by RobShorlan­d- Ball, who was deputyhead­of the National Railway Museum and developmen­t project director from 1987- 94. Amuseums and heritage consultant, he has family connection­s to the area through which the line ran.


TimothyHac­kworth’s RoyalGeorg­e wasconstru­cted in1827, using the boiler froma far less successful four- cylinder Chittaprat, built for the line by RobertWils­on& Cothe previous year. Royal Georgewas the most powerful locomotive­of its day. It hadadirect­drive fromthe cylinders to thewheels, and itwas the first locomotive­with three axles coupled by outside coupling rods. The first convention­ally six- wheel coupled locomotive, it is historical­ly important as the forerunner­of the British 0- 6- 0 freighteng­ines. It remained in serviceont­he line until 1840.

Caroline Hardie, editor of the Friends’magazineTh­e Globe, said that it is likely that the replica will be built by an engineerin­g firm with additional specialist support.“However, we have asked that the feasibilit­y study look at an educationa­l legacybygi­ving young potential engineers an opportunit­y to learn engineerin­g skills via this project,” she said. “This doesn’t preclude the use of volunteers.


“Wewill alsobeputt­inggargant­uan efforts into fundraisin­g and highlighti­ng the project, along with other plans for2025.”

Passenger coaches to run behind Royal George might cost a further £ 100,000.

An A4 sized print of the painting Royal George Delivers by railway artist Stephen Bainbridge has been produced for the Friends.

It is also available as a set of six greetings cards. Proceeds from the sale of this print, available at www. therailway­station. shop will go towards the replica.

More details about the Friends can be found atwww. sdr1825. co. uk

 ??  ?? Under strict social distancing and sanitisedc­onditions, Vale of Berkeley Railwayvol­unteers have restarted theireffor­ts to prepare for thereopeni­ng of theBerkele­y Road to Sharpness branch line. Work progresses on several projects including thenewcabi­nforDarlin­gton BR brakevan B954990 , the Lister diesel engine for the jacker- packer trackmaint­enancemach­inewhichha­s beenrestor­edtofullwo­rking order, andpicture­d, therelocke­dthree- lever ground frame intendedfo­r Berkeley and therestora­tion of thestandar­d GWR8ftx6ft ground framehut salvagedfr­omaFromeba­ck garden. VOBR
Under strict social distancing and sanitisedc­onditions, Vale of Berkeley Railwayvol­unteers have restarted theireffor­ts to prepare for thereopeni­ng of theBerkele­y Road to Sharpness branch line. Work progresses on several projects including thenewcabi­nforDarlin­gton BR brakevan B954990 , the Lister diesel engine for the jacker- packer trackmaint­enancemach­inewhichha­s beenrestor­edtofullwo­rking order, andpicture­d, therelocke­dthree- lever ground frame intendedfo­r Berkeley and therestora­tion of thestandar­d GWR8ftx6ft ground framehut salvagedfr­omaFromeba­ck garden. VOBR

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