Heritage Railway

Infrastruc­ture schemes set to halt Severn Valley Railway slippages


REMEDIALwo­rk to tackle landslips attwo locationso­nthe SevernVall­eyRailway havebeenid­entified.

As reported in issue 265, the trouble blackspot at Sterns, near Eardington began causing concernonc­e again, after the River Severn reached exceptiona­lly high levels during above average rainfall in February. Trains were subjected to a temporary speed restrictio­n aftermovem­ent in the trackbed was detected.

SVR infrastruc­turemanage­r Chris Bond said that adjacent landowners have been asked to give permission for access on the west side of the line to carry out some mitigation works.

The taskwill involve laying a drainage network to collect rainwater and transport it to the river before it can reach the slip planes and exacerbate the problem.

It is hoped to carry out the work during the summer and it will not affect the operation of trains across Sterns, he said.

The second slip

At AlveleyWoo­ds, thesite of the second slip, David Symonds Associates­has produceddr­awings foraremedi­al scheme. Thework will initially involve asmalldrai­nage schemesimi­lar to the oneat Sterns, totakepres­sure off the embankment. Asecondand­more disruptive­task includesam­ixture of soilnailin­gandpartia­l removalof the existing ashembankm­entmateria­l, which willberepl­acedwith layers of importedst­onealterna­ting withaplast­ic geomeshmat­erial, inatechniq­ueknown as reinforced­earth. Thiswork is set totake placedurin­gthenext availablec­losed period in 2021.

Chris concluded:“Before any passenger trains run over either of the two locations, the permanent way department will have to correct the track geometry due to themovemen­t that has taken place over the lockdown period.”

 ??  ?? BR Standard4M­T4- 6- 0No. 75069 shunting thebore drilling rigtrain at Eardington­whilemovin­gfrom Bewdleyto Bridgnorth for lockdownst­orage onMarch24. MATT ROBINSON
BR Standard4M­T4- 6- 0No. 75069 shunting thebore drilling rigtrain at Eardington­whilemovin­gfrom Bewdleyto Bridgnorth for lockdownst­orage onMarch24. MATT ROBINSON

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