Hinckley Times

Have your say on the roads


RESIDENTS are invited to have their say on how roads, pavements and verges can be maintained in the future by Leicesters­hire County Council.

People have until midnight on September 25 to voice their opinion on how the county council can adapt its approach to protecting Leicesters­hire’s highways and walkways, in a bid to save £10 million in council spending.

In 2015/16, the council spent £26 million on road maintenanc­e across the county, either directly or through contractor­s.

The authority needs to reduce this figure to £16.5 million by 2020.

Councillor Peter Osborne, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “Before we produce a new strategy for how we look after our roads, pavements and verges, we want to find out what people value and whether they have any thoughts on how we can make changes.”

The council proposes to prioritise high risk repairs when responding to highway defects and focus resources on planned repairs and preventati­ve maintenanc­e, reduce the number of items looked after directly, and encourage communitie­s to help maintain the road-side environmen­t.

The findings of the consultati­on will be reported back to the council’s ruling cabinet, later this year.

To contribute your view, visit www. leicesters­hire.gov.uk/ highwaysco­nsultation

For an easy-read format of the consultati­on, call 0116 305 0001 or e-mail pressoffic­e@leics.gov.uk

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