Hinckley Times

Speeders jailed for death of dad


TWO street racers have been jailed after a crash in Leicester killed of a father-of-three.

Kulwant Singh Rai, 48, of Northdene Road, Leicester, and Gurdip Rai, 35, of Brinsmead Road, Knighton, were both sentenced to four years six months in prison at Leicester Crown Court.

The were also banned from driving for 10 years.

The crash happened in the early hours on the morning on June 15, 2014, on Welford Road, Leicester.

Kulwant Rai was driving his BMW 1 Series and Gurdip Rai was driving a Ford Focus, in which 39-year-old Jonilal Manjhu was a passenger.

Jonilal died in hospital after the car careered off the road and ploughed into a tree.

Both defendants were speeding in a 30mph zone and eye witnesses said the cars had been racing, Leicesters­hire Police said.

Gurdip Rai was one-and-a-half times over the drink drive limit and suffered serious leg injuries which resulted in one of his lower legs being amputated.

During a trial in June, Kulwant Rai was found guilty of death by dangerous driving, while Gurdip Rai pleaded guilty to death by dangerous driving at a hearing in 2015.

Detective Sgt Mark Partridge, from the regional serious collision investigat­ion unit, said: “This incident has devastated many lives. Jonilal was a father-of-three young children when he lost his life in these very tragic circumstan­ces.

“We hope that if anything is to come from this case it’ll be that others will think before they decide to drive at excessive speeds. You are not only putting your life at risk but also the lives of other road users.

“We are constantly reiteratin­g the dangers of both speeding and drink driving through our Fatal4 campaign, which highlights the four main causes of serious and fatal injury collisions, namely speeding, using mobile phones while driving, not wearing seatbelts and drink/drug driving.

“Fatal4 clinics are held across the city and county on a regular basis and have resulted in many drivers being stopped and reported for offences or educated on the manner of their driving, these operations will continue.” LEICESTERS­HIRE and Rutland Freemasons are preparing to cycle 300 miles to mark their 300th anniversar­y.

At least 35 Freemasons from 20 different lodges will cycle to 11 Masonic meeting places in the county before heading to the United Grand Lodge of England in Covent Garden.

The ride will take place in June 2017 and aims to raise £20,000 for Rainbows Children’s Hospice and the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

Simon Oldfield, the organiser, said: “Cycling 300 miles will be a test of all those taking part, everyone is motivated to do the training knowing that we are raising money for two very worthwhile causes as part of our Tercentena­ry celebratio­n. It has brought together cyclists of varying age, experience and fitness, building a real team spirit for the challenge ahead.”

The Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People, based in Lougboroug­h, provides care to those that are affected by life-limiting and life-threatenin­g conditions.

Helen Lee-Smith, head of individual care giving at Rainbows, said: “I would like to thank Leicesters­hire and Rutland Freemasons for organising their 300 mile cycle ride to celebrate 300 years of Freemasonr­y and for supporting Rainbows.”

Leicesters­hire and Rutland currently have 3,000 members which meet in 76 lodges across the two counties, and 200,000 members across England and Wales.

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