Hinckley Times

It seems number plates just aren’t cool enough


I HAVE done some research into this issue I raised about drivers not displaying number plates and there is quite a bit on the internet about the subject.

Some people have even gone as far as starting a petition to get parliament to change the law for it to be legal to drive without displaying a front number plate.

The only thing is as the law stands at the moment they could be find up to £1,000 for not displaying a front plate, which many young drivers are doing (although they are driving with plates in their windscreen).

I have been on some of these “driving enthusiast” websites to find out what’s going on.

It seems that a front number plate is not cool enough for some drivers with the ready made recess on the front bumper (for the front plate) loathed by many who are into the smooth look - customised front bumper minus the recess.

Anyway I think it’s a good way to hide their identity (from the front) when and wherever they find it convenient to do so.

And where you said that the police say “it’s something they’re not aware of”... well I don’t believe that!

Or should we believe it? I don’t see them about on the roads much.

I think they (the police) ought to get tough on these drivers with zero tolerance.

Catch and fine a few - they (the government) were saying that now that they’ve abolished the tax disc more than a year ago) more of us are driving about in untaxed vehicles. Martin Kalnins by email

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