Hinckley Times

Dog training club hit hard by £8,000 raid


A REWARD has been offered to find raiders who stole £8,000 worth of equipment from a dog training club.

Two trailers containing vital equipment were stolen from volunteer-run Nuneaton Dog Training Club on December 16.

Stuart Harrison, chairman of the club, which is based in Old Hinckley Road, is desperate to recover the trailers and their contents.

He said: “In total it’s around £8,000 worth of stuff that has been stolen.

“Obviously it’s probably people who don’t know what the club does for the community, it’s really shocked us what’s happened.”

A member of the club was setting up for a seminar on Decem- ber 16 and locked up behind her when she left at 8.30pm.

But when nearby residents returned home at around 9.30pm the gates were open.

Stuart added: “They thought nothing of it, they just thought it was a member of the club there.

“Then on Saturday morning the person who set the seminar up went back and saw the gates open, the trailers had gone so it must have been some time between half eight and half nine.”

The items stolen include a small Lynton box trailer covered with a Nuneaton Dog Training Club (NDTC) magnetic sticker, with the number plate KR55 KWE and the second trailer is a large white tandem axle trailer, with NDTC stickers on it.

The club is hoping someone saw the trailer leaving the club as it is not thought that the stickers were removed before the thieves left.

“It’s not something that could be missed, it’s covered with the Nuneaton dog training club,” Stuart said.

The contents of the small trailer were worth around £1,600 to £1,800 and the other trailer contained equipment for the outdoor shows which is thought to be worth around £2,000.

With the trailers to buy on top, the total cost of the raid was around £8,000.

Stuart went on: “So we now have got to find the money for all of that which is not going to be easy.

“We have got to find new trailers and if we can’t get one we have got to hire one.

“We are funded by membership fees and we recently gave money for the mayor’s appeal and for the hearing dogs.

“Every year we do things around the club so we can give money to charity and it’s just gutting that we do all those things and then we are picked on by low lives who just think they are going to steal our trailers.”

A £300 reward is being offered by Mr Harrison for informatio­n that leads to the recovery of the trailers and their contents.

If you have any informatio­n, call the police on 101 or call Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111, or if you can help the club, call Stuart on 07970 502747.

 ??  ?? Hinckley illustrato­r Sarah J Coleman has created these amazing hand-drawn wrapping paper designs for Christmas. They are available to buy from her website www. inkymole.com
Hinckley illustrato­r Sarah J Coleman has created these amazing hand-drawn wrapping paper designs for Christmas. They are available to buy from her website www. inkymole.com
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