Hinckley Times

Drunk driver caught doing over 130mph on motorway


A DRUNK motorist who raced along the M6 at more than 130mph was told his night of excess ‘could have ended in disaster’.

Dayal Saini was more than twice the drink-drive limit and speeding his BMW along the motorway so fast that the police couldn’t keep up with him.

Saini, 39, of St Michael’s Road, Stoke, had been racing a Ford Focus but it was only when he slowed down at Corley services that cops were able to catch up.

Initially they had been limited because their patrols cars were at the maximum speed of 128mph.

At Warwick Crown Court he pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving with excess alcohol, and having no licence or insurance.

Sentencing him to prison for eight months Judge Andrew Lockhart QC said the slightest mistake by him or the other driver “could have ended in disaster”.

He was also banned from driving for two years and four months - although the court heard he has never held a licence.

Prosecutor Alexander Barnfield said that at just before midnight on Boxing Day last year officers in a marked police patrol car on the M6 southbound saw two cars ‘driving in tandem at excessive speed.’

Correctly believing the two drivers were racing each-other, which was later confirmed by Saini, they accelerate­d to try to catch up but were unable to close the gap when they reached maximum speed.

Judge Lockhart observed: “So those two drivers were doing nearly twice the speed limit, and racing.”

Mr Barnfield said Saini eventually slowed down just before Corley Services, after about two miles, and as they then gained on him the officers activated their blue lights and siren.

He pulled over, and when they spoke to him, he admitted racing the other car, which he said was a Ford Focus driven by someone he knew but would not name.

A breath test showed that Saini, who has never held a licence in this country and had no insurance, had an alcohol level of just over twice the legal limit, added Mr Barnfield.

Tom Schofield, defending, conceded: “It is obvious the custody threshold is passed.

“The purpose of my mitigation is to seek to persuade the court to impose a suspended sentence.

“He made the very stupid decision to drive the car home after going to a party. Yes, he has never had a licence, but he has never previously driven in defiance of the road traffic laws.

“The harm that was caused was very low indeed, there was no accident, there was no injury and there was no damage.

“This wasn’t racing at high speed in built-up residentia­l areas, it was very high speed on a motorway, very late at night, when the road conditions were excellent and other traffic was minimal.”

But jailing Saini, Judge Lockhart told him: “On December 26 you got into your motor vehicle and you set off down the M6, racing another car with people in it who you knew.

“You were racing down that motorway, and at the time you were drunk, more than twice the legal limit. You were driving at nearly twice the speed limit, and you drove at that speed for two miles.

“At any stage during that two miles the slightest mistake by you or the other driver could have ended in disaster.

“I am afraid I cannot suspend the inevitable sentence.

“There has to be an element of deterrence, so people know that if they drive in this way there is only one thing the court can do.”

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